German scientists throw several cobblestones into the pond

by time news

Taboo for some, scandal for others, the side effects of anti-Covid vaccination are an increasingly significant subject, which takes the form of a dangerous pressure cooker… German doctors and scientists are working hard foot until the ice is broken. So that the press mainstream can no longer elude the question and sees itself obliged to report comments that are at least worrying about the vaccination campaign.

The observations of general practitioner Eric Freisleben

Thus, the Berliner Zeitung or the national television had to report these days the observations of a very prominent Berlin doctor, the general practitioner Erich Freisleben. An unusual relay given that he has repeatedly declared himself against any obligation to vaccinate, and had published an indictment book in 2021: Medicine without morals (Medicine without morality).

In 35 years of practice, Eric Freisleben says he has seen, until 2021, about five cases of serious side effects from vaccines. However, since 2021 and the anti-Covid injections, he has seen “96 proven cases” and had to hire another doctor at his practice to deal with it. He explains 3% of these vaccinated patients are totally unable to work. In a sample of 60 vaccinated patients, D-dimers are abnormally high in 40% of them; these are the signals of diffuse micro-clots.

He also found “antagonistic antibodies”, normally observed in about 3% of blood bags, and only in a seriously or chronically ill patient. But, on the patients with side effects that the doctor now sees, “90% of them are in this case.” These receptors being in the heart, the eyes, the kidneys, that would explain the diversity of the symptoms. “We know of their existence, but for how long these antibodies will impede the signal path, we do not yet know. Such incidents have never been observed with other forms of vaccine”he explains.

Deploring the passivity of the authorities and the absence of any official research on the side effects, Eric Freisleben is currently experimenting with cortisone treatment, which works relatively well in around 70% of the injured, because, he supposes, the injections would have triggered a massive and generalized inflammatory process. He also notes, in 95% of patients with side effects, a flagrant lack of “Memory-Tc cells”cells that play an essential role in immunity.

Like this general practitioner, before the vote in Parliament which took place on Thursday April 7, other renowned scientists gave voice.

Post-vaccination excess mortality

55 scientists, including 43 university professors, decided to fire together to defend Professor Christof Kuhbandner.

On January 21, 2022, Christof Kuhbandner, an expert in statistical techniques and mathematical modeling, had published in open source a 28-page article titled “Excess mortality climbs in chronological correlation with vaccinations-COVID”. He concluded that “the curve of deaths in 2021, as well as that of excess mortality, reflect with a slight time lag, almost exactly the curve of the 1st and 2nd dose of vaccines then boosters”. This article triggered a hostile barrage, notably from the Leibniz Institute for Research in Economics, on the heading of their site: “The non-statistic of the month”. (Unstatistik des Monats: Impfquote und Übersterblichkeit, eine „Spurious Correlation“ = Vaccine rate and excess mortality – a fallacious correlation).

On April 3, the aforementioned 55 scientists signed and published a reasoned open letter, calling for the immediate removal of the article from the column “Unstatistic of the Month” :

“We are annoyed that the renamed section Unstatistic of the month could publish such a poorly researched and factually dubious piece of text, which additionally and blatantly misinforms the general public about an existing red flag that indicates possible side effects of anti-COVID injections . Thus, we demand the immediate withdrawal of this text and the publication of an update. Such unserious publications impede good scientific practice for the development of safe medicines, which – as the history of pharmacovigilance demonstrates – endangers the health and lives of countless human beings and fuels distrust of all vaccines in the population.”

The Paul-Ehrlich Institute takes it for its rank

In mid-March, five full professors of chemistry at five different universities, in Switzerland and Germany, had co-signed several letters to the Paul-Ehrlich Institut (PEI, equivalent of ANSM), demanding access to data “on the oncogenic potential of mRNA injections”. They also asked for access to studies validating the use of injection adjuvants ALC-0159 and ALC-0350, precise answers on the quality control of batches, as well as details of the official mechanisms provided for reporting side effects. These letters point to notable shortcomings. But, having not received a satisfactory answer within the 15 days fixed as a deadline, the professors had one of the letters published, specifying their demands, in the German newspapers.

The Dangers of Spike Protein

Similarly, in mid-March and from his pathology laboratory in Reutlingen, forensic pathologist Arne Burkhardt sent a series of letters to the PEI, in which he outlines the updated results of the 40 autopsies he has supervised and calls for a immediate stop to the vaccination campaign. In the letter of March 16, now public, he writes in particular:

“In all organ tissues studied, including the vasculature, heart, and brain of people who died suddenly temporally related to SARS-CoV-2 vaccination (the majority of whom were not taking any treatment and were not hospitalized ), appear lesions corresponding to the action of toxic substances, accompanied by inflammatory reactions, witnessing intravital lesions.The histological findings are, in their combination, extremely unusual and in certain cases never observed before. […] In these lesions and the inflammatory areas around the vessels, it was possible to clearly identify the expression of the Spike protein thanks to immunohistochemistry, which is particularly specific. Thus, it has been demonstrated that this is caused by vaccination rather than by infection with the SARS-CoV-2 virus.

And Professor Burkhardt concludes his letter to the PEI thus:

“For these reasons, we urge you, with respect to these mRNA or pro-mRNA based medicines (called vaccines):

a.  Comirnaty
b.  Spikevax
c. Vaxzevria
d. Vaccine Covid-19 Janssen

1. the immediate withdrawal of said drugs currently in circulation;
2. the immediate suspension of their marketing authorizations;
3. the presentation to the signatory of this letter before March 18, 2022 of a copy of your decisions on the matter.”

Although the letter went unanswered, it was read by tens of thousands of Germans before the vote on the vaccination requirement.

Read also: By making the cells produce the Spike protein, vaccinating amounts to inoculating the disease

The BKK Pro Vita sounded the alarm

At the end of February 2022, Andreas Schöfbeck, then chairman of the board of BKK ProVita, one of the country’s largest company health insurance funds, shattered official reports by assuring in a letter that the number of side effects was underestimated by a factor of 10.

Read also: Side effects of vaccines: a German insurer pulverizes official reports

At the beginning of March, Andreas Schöfbeck was fired, the very day he had planned his meeting with the Paul-Ehrlich Institute.

A few weeks after he was replaced, the mathematician and data analyst Tom Lausen filed a complaint against the new head of the mutual BKK Pro Vita. And this in front of a hundred German prosecutors.

Read also: Vaccination obligation in Germany: prosecutors and magistrates strongly accuse the blow

Initially, Tom Lausen had written to the PEI to ask if the new leadership of the BKK had transmitted the encrypted data mentioned by Andreas Schöfbeck, and if the PEI ensured that the associations of contracted doctors also transmitted the data. of pharmacovigilance in accordance with the law. The long silence that followed prompted the mathematician to hire a lawyer. Then he filed a complaint because “it is quite possible that vaccination causes injuries that those vaccinated cannot imagine in advance. These are potential offences.”

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