German word of the day: Beharren

by time news

2023-06-15 16:29:14

Why do I need to know hike?

Because this is the perfect way to while away a Sunday afternoon, and the German doesn’t sound half as stressful as the English translation.

What does it mean?

Hike (pronounced van-dern) is a verb and means to hike. But whereas hiking sounds like you need to be breaking out in a sweat and scaling high summits, hike conjures up a much more pleasant picture, as if you are not only walking outside but also pondering what life means.

Those who have spent time in Austria will be aware that (the walk is one of the most popular pastimes for Austrians, with many people flocking to the outskirts of cities or going deep into the countryside to “be in the nature” on their days off work.

The difference between hike and stroll (to walk/stroll) or stroll (to wander about aimlessly or meander), is that hiking requires some planning and organisation; there is a route and a goal to the walk.

As you might know, this is something Germans arguably do very well so they are likely to turn up to hike with all the right gear, such as proper walking boots, a practical rucksack, an transitional jacket (a transition jacket for in-between-seasons) and even hiking sticks.

In German, a hiker is a Wanderer (male) or Wanderin (female).

The word originates form Middle High German – which refers to the form of German spoken in the Middle Ages – and it has been documented since the 13th century.

That reflects the fact that hiking has enjoyed a long tradition in the region, although it mainly involved religious pilgrims in the Middle Ages.

The German Romantic authors and painters of the 18th and 19th centuries popularised the great outdoors and the beautiful landscapes, which resulted in Hike really taking off among the general population.

The word also expands to other areas of life. Hike means to migrate, and the German word for immigration is (immigration.

Use it like this:

In summer I like to hike in nature.

I love hiking through the countryside in summer.

do you want to go hiking with me

Do you want to come hike with me?

#German #word #day #Beharren

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