German word of the day: Duzen/Siezen

by time news


When learning the German language, you are bound to be faced with the precarious business of when to use du or Sie – the informal and formal forms of “you”. Here’s what you need to know.

Published: 30 March 2022 15:53 CEST
Updated: 2 March 2023 16:52 CET

What is on first name terms?

first names is the verb signifying using the informal “you”. in Siezen on the other hand is using the formal “you” and is conjugated with the same forms as she (they, 3rd person plural). But when do you use which form?

In the English language it is never an issue but Austrians choose the She when addressing people you may not know or to show respect, such as to elders or teachers, and can be both singular and plural. Of on the other hand is used with people you know well, friends and family, or with children.

It is often hard to decide which form of you to use, and it is not rare to ask which “you” one prefers or be given permission to use the informal of. To be on the safe side, in Siezen is often recommended.

The Duden dictionary explains that “in principle, the correct form of address in business life or with new contacts is ‘Sie’, and especially in a professional environment this maintains a necessary and useful distance. It is possible that people feel harassed or disrespected if they are addressed as ‘du’ without being asked.”

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The end of you?

Making the leap from She to of has historically been a significant moment in any interpersonal relationship in Austria.

In recent years, however, the use of the formal She is becoming a lot less common. On social media such as Facebook or Twitter the of form has long been the go-to. The more personal form of address could help break down rigid hierarchies and creates a closeness and familiarity, as opposed to the distant She.

Back in 2003, Ikea was the first business (in Germany) to start addressing their customers as ofciting the traditions of their Swedish origin. Many companies, such as Ikea, Adidas, Apple and Aldi have since followed suit and it seems Austrians are getting more on board.

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Vienna’s public transport company (Wiener Linien) addresses its customers with of – with ads such as The freedom is yours! (Freedom is yours, with the informal dir instead of a more formal ihnen).

It seems however, that even the young generation lean towards using the formal She in formal situations. Plus, in Siezen is not only a Austrian thing, with many other languages having a formal “you”, and lots of Austrians continuing to view its usage with importance. And so while it is becoming less common, She is not dying out by any means.


How are you doing?

How are you? (informal)

How are you doing?

How are you? (formal)

Have you already arrived?

Have you already arrived? (informal)

Have you arrived yet?

Have you already arrived? (formal)

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