Germanist doc. died after a serious illness. Dr. Gintautas Antanas Povilaitis

by times news cr

GA Povilaitis was born in 1946. December 15 In Kiduliai, Šakiai district, in the family of Jonas and Antanina Povilaičiai. Studied in Šakiai district. After graduating from Kiduliu high school in 1965, he entered the Vilnius State Pedagogical Institute, majoring in German. After graduation, in 1969 according to the appointment, he is left to work in the Department of German Language as an assistant.

in 1974 after fulfilling the requirements of the competition, he is appointed as the head teacher of this department. in 1986 in June At the Minsk State Pedagogical Institute of Foreign Languages, he defended his candidate of humanities (since 1992 – doctor’s) thesis: “Vowel reduction in the weak forms of the current German language”. Since 1987 September 1 GA Povilaitis fulfilled the conditions of the competition and was appointed the head of the Department of German at the Faculty of Foreign Languages, in October. he was awarded the pedagogical title of associate professor in 1991. in May

He is appointed head of the Department of German Philology and Didactics. in 1994 at the beginning, he was also appointed as a representative of the VPU International Relations Department, since 1995. – for the position of head of this department. Thanks to him, business relations were established with the Erfurt Higher Pedagogical School, the University of Wroclaw, a number of international scientific conferences were organized, and research internships at foreign higher education institutions were organized for teachers. After giving 40 years of work to the pedagogical institute and the university, GA Povilaitis was released to a well-deserved rest, but he continued to maintain relations with the university, helped Maestro Margarita Gedvilaitis to found the vocal ensemble of teachers and employees “Ave Musica”, organized the ensemble’s trips to Germany, Belgium, France, Switzerland .

Both colleagues and students remember the deceased as a very sincere colleague, always in a cheerful mood, who did not refuse to play and sing – the organizer of many university events.

The LEU Alumni Association expresses its deep condolences to the deceased’s wife Laima Povilaitiene (Sabulytei), his three sons: Audriis, Sauliis and Maris, other family members and relatives, colleagues of the Faculty of Foreign Languages ​​and the university.

Rest in peace dear Gintautas Antanas, may the grace of the Most High accompany you on your last earthly journey.

2024-08-20 08:31:38

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