Germany: 5% of vaccinated residents of Germany became infected with coronavirus

by time news

From February to the end of October 2021 with a virus SARSCoV-2 in Germany, more than 117 thousand people were infected, fully vaccinated against coronavirus.

According to data published by the Robert Koch Institute (RKI), from the beginning of February to the end of last week, 117,763 possible cases of coronavirus infection in fully vaccinated people were registered in Germany. Of these, 1,076 patients died from COVID-19 and the consequences of this disease, 782 deaths were over 80 years old. In total, over the same period, the RKI recorded more than 2.2 million new cases of coronavirus infection. Thus, the proportion of fully vaccinated from the number of all infected was about 5 percent.

In Germany, 66.6 percent of the population is fully vaccinated against the coronavirus.Over 69 percent of the inhabitants of Germany received at least one dose of the vaccine.

According to the RKI, during Friday, October 29, there were 24,668 new cases of SARS-CoV-2 virus infection. Since the beginning of the pandemic, 4,559,120 people have been infected with coronavirus infection, 4,257,800 have recovered. During this Friday, 121 patients have died from the pulmonary disease COVID-19 caused by the coronavirus and its consequences in Germany. Since the beginning of the pandemic, 95,606 coronavirus-related deaths have been recorded in the country.

The seven-day spread of the coronavirus in Germany continues to rise. On Friday, it was 139.2. A day earlier, this indicator was fixed at 130.2. A week earlier, it was equal to 95.1.

The prevalence rate, which indicates the number of new cases of coronavirus infection per 100,000 inhabitants in the past seven days, has been steadily increasing for more than a week and a half. The psychological threshold of 100 cases was exceeded on 24 October.

It is this indicator that has long been considered decisive in the choice of restrictive measures in the fight against the pandemic at the federal and state levels. Today, in connection with the progress in vaccination, other indicators are becoming determining, in particular, the workload of hospitals with patients with COVID-19. According to the RKI on Thursday, October 28, it was 3.31 per 100,000 inhabitants over the past seven days. A day earlier, this figure was 3.07. Germany does not set a national threshold beyond which the situation is considered critical. This is due to regional differences. The peak value of the clinic occupancy rate – about 15.5 – was recorded during the Christmas period of 2020.

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