Germany is donating more than ever to Ukraine! – NEWSZONE

by time news

2023-07-24 20:22:13

In 2022, people in DE donated over a billion euros to Ukraine. That’s never been the case for an emergency situation!

Strictly speaking, 1.01 billion euros were donated for the victims of the Russian war of aggression in Ukraine. Added to this is the great voluntary commitment and numerous donations in kind. The German Central Institute for Social Issues (DZI) surveyed 74 organizations to come to this conclusion. In total there were 2022 in Germany around 12.9 billion euros donated to charitable causes.

Slightly more donations compared to 2021

If you compare the donations from 2022 with 2021, they increased by 0.3 percent. The DZI explains this with two violent events in these two years: in 2021 there was the flood disaster in the Ahr Valley and in 2022 Russia attacked the Ukraine.

For comparison: Around 655 million euros were donated for the Ahr Valley in 2021. After the earthquake in Turkey, around 251 million euros were raised this year (2023).

Also important to know: If you leave out the blatantly high donations to the Ahr Valley and the Ukraine, there were slightly fewer donations in 2022 than in 2021. According to the DZI, these could be reasons for this:

Because of the sharp price increases in 2022, donors are more reluctant. The “remarkably great solidarity for Ukraine” led to fewer donations in other areas.

Unicef ​​broke its own record for donations this year:

The children’s charity broke its own donation record in Germany in 2022.

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#Germany #donating #Ukraine #NEWSZONE

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