Germany, Spain, Switzerland, Italy… the heat wave is also wreaking havoc on our neighbors

by time news

The current heat wave that arrived from the Maghreb via the Iberian Peninsula is not just overwhelming the French. Our neighbors are also suffering from the consequences of this extreme and early heat wave which has been hitting southern and central Europe for several days. We take stock.

  • In Spain, 25,000 ha went up in smoke

The first country to have taken the full brunt of the heat wave, Spain is beginning to breathe. Temperatures are slowly dropping. The mercury only reached 29°C in Madrid on Sunday and 25°C in the province of Zamora, in the northwest of the country. But the emergency services continued to fight this Sunday against several fires, and the provisional assessment of this heat wave is already terrible: the most important forest fire in the country destroyed more than 25,000 ha in the Sierra de la Culebra, a mountain range from the Castile and Leon region, near the border with Portugal, according to regional authorities.

Several hundred inhabitants of villages threatened by the flames had to leave their homes. They were able to return home on Sunday morning. Elsewhere, the situation is not as favorable: Spanish firefighters continue to fight several fires in Catalonia and Navarre.

  • In Germany, the wind facilitates the spread of fires

The heat wave does not spare Germany either. In the North, the worst of the heat wave is over, but the rest of the country “continues to sweat”, says DWD, the German “Météo France”. In eastern Germany, the 38°C threshold was reached this Sunday in the regions of Thuringia, Saxony and Brandenburg. The thermometer even rose to 38.7°C in the town of Cottbus, a new record for the month of June in the country.

Consequences of high heat, fires spread all over Germany. On Friday, a fire broke out in Brandenburg, a wooded and rural region near Berlin. Since then, the flames have ravaged nearly 100 ha. So much so that neighborhoods of Treuenbrietzen had to be evacuated this Sunday, “about 700 people” out of the 8,000 inhabitants of the city, reports a spokesperson for the district of Potsdam-Mittelmark.

Another fire in the Trecktal valley, southwest of Berlin, is under control after burning 6.5 ha of forest. But drought and high ground temperatures could revive it at any moment. Finally near Potsdam, a fire ravaged at least 40 ha of forest. The drought has also caused an unusual drop in the level of several lakes and rivers in the country, reports the German newspaper Bild.

As in France, gusts of wind cooled the coasts, and the atmosphere became heavy and stormy everywhere in Germany on Sunday afternoon. For firefighters, this is not necessarily good news: the wind only accelerates the spread of fires, and makes the work of the rescue forces difficult, according to the authorities.

  • In Italy, drought threatens harvests

In Italy, the heat wave is worsening a drought that was already worrying the authorities. Several towns in northern Italy have announced water rationing and the Lombardy region could declare a state of emergency. Because the Po Valley, which has not seen a drop of rain for months, threatens the harvest of barley, cereals, hazelnuts, grapes and rice. The country’s longest river is experiencing its worst drought in 70 years, leaving many sections of the northern waterway completely dry. Large swaths of the riverbed are now visible, so much so that a German tank from World War II has resurfaced.

During this heat wave, Italy suffocated. Copernicus, the EU’s Earth observation space program, has identified a peak of 51°C (ground surface temperature, not air temperature) in Sardinia on Saturday. “Europe continues to be in the grip of an intense heat wave”, writes Copernicus on its Twitter account.

Among the multiple consequences of the heat wave, the milk production of cows fell by 10% in Italy. The heat forces cattle to drink up to 140 liters of water a day, twice as much as usual, the country’s main agricultural association, Coldiretti, said on Saturday.

  • In Switzerland, a heat wave until Tuesday

Among our Swiss neighbors, the peak of the heat wave was expected this Sunday. “After the first monthly heat records recorded on Saturday, temperatures will rise a few more degrees today”, indicated Météo Suisse. Around 1 p.m., the temperatures were already between 32 and 34 ° C, or 1 to 4 ° C more than the day before at the same time. And Geneva reached the 35°C mark.

Three cities broke their record, including Neuchâtel, in the west of the country, with 34.7°C, the previous record being 34.1°C in 2019.

After this heat peak reached on Sundaytemperatures will drop slightly but will remain at a scorching level on Monday and Tuesday.

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