Germany Suspends Nord Stream 2 Certification | News from Germany about Germany | Dw

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The German regulator has temporarily suspended the certification procedure for the Nord Stream 2 gas pipeline. To resume it, it is necessary to create a gas pipeline operator company in accordance with German law, the Federal Network Agency in Bonn said on Tuesday, November 16.

Switzerland-based operator must transfer assets to German subsidiary

As noted in a statement posted on its website, the certification process will resume after the operator Nord Stream 2, based in the Swiss city of Zug, transfers the main assets and human resources to a German subsidiary and the regulator can check the newly submitted documents.

“When these requirements are met, the Federal Network Agency will be able to continue its consideration during the remainder of the four-month period stipulated by the law, prepare a draft decision and, in accordance with the legislation on the internal market, send it to the European Commission for comment,” it reads further.

The regulator has already informed the German Ministry of Economy and Energy and the European Commission about the decision. In addition, before publication, it was brought to the attention of the participants in the procedure.

Against the background of the news about the suspension of the certification procedure for the gas pipeline in Germany, the spot price of gas increased on Tuesday to $ 1,046 per thousand cubic meters. The price of December futures on TTF on the ICE Futures exchange increased to 88.9 euros per MWh. In early November, the gas price was about $ 750 per thousand cubic meters.

Ukraine admitted to the Nord Stream 2 certification process

Meanwhile, the German grid regulator confirmed that Ukraine will be admitted to the Nord Stream 2 certification process. “The National Joint Stock Company Naftogaz of Ukraine and LLC Gas Transportation System of Ukraine were admitted to the certification process today. Those admitted to the process have the right, in particular, the right to give their assessment. They do not have veto rights,” a representative of the Federal Agency for Fiete Wulff networks.

Previously, the Polish gas company PGNiG was involved in the certification process.

SP-2 completed in September

Nord Stream 2, which is about 1,200 kilometers long, was completed in September and is now being used for technical pumping of gas. The project consists of two pipes, their total capacity is 55 billion cubic meters. m. On November 8, Gazprom announced that the gas pipeline was fully completed and ready for launch. On the same day, the German regulator began the certification process for SP-2. According to experts, the certification of the gas pipeline may drag on until May due to consideration by the European Commission.

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