Gernika sweeps Spar Girona weakened by casualties (65-79)

by time news

No cash This is how thespar girona in front of one Loint Gernika which has defeated a 50% version of the Girona team, which has not been able to compete with only six players from the first team – seven if we count that Shay Murphy he has played with a broken finger-. Taking advantage of the spaces and the lack of rotation, the players ofAnna Montanana they turned on the turbo and eliminated Girona from the semi-finals.

Girona have come out with a team weakened by casualties and with the addition of the absence of Brittney Sykes at the last minute Guernsey took the lead with a 5-13 opening half using his outside shot from the hand of Laura Sperafico (3/4 T3 al 1Q). Sophia da Silva has widened the indent and the Basques have escaped to +10 (7-17) in the blink of an eye. Just when it seemed that the situation was tinged with gray, three consecutive three-pointers –Faustine Parra (2) i Rebekah Gardner– they woke up the Catalans, who closed the first quarter to three (18-21).

Ceci Muhate, Marianna Tolo and Laia Flores in a match action. FEB

A scratch from the purples, who have once again stretched the difference to +9, have obliged Bernard Canute to slow down the game. Few solutions could be found by the Girona team that barely had any players on the bench to make rotations and one of the ones there, Shay Murphyshe played with a broken finger that left her practically missing a hand. Marianna Tolo i Gardner have been the scorer’s lifeline for Girona who, despite their efforts, went into the break with a shocking score: 27-40, the result of a second quarter where they only managed to score 9 points and a first half where they only managed score 4 players.

No weapons to fight

Returning from the break, it was time to row, and a lot, if those in the world capital of chuixo wanted to have options. the players ofAnna Montanana they have started to play overflowing with confidence thanks to the 15-point cushion that put the noose around the neck of the uni athletes. The red-and-black have tried to wipe out the situation with the outside shot and meanwhile the Girona bench looked at everything with a sour apple face. Meskonite inflated points thanks to Gernika’s quick transitions and the purples have posted a maximum difference of +21 (44-65) which has sunk the options of thespar girona.

When there were three minutes left in the game, the difference was abysmal: +21 in favor of the Basques. A challenge that not even a miracle of the Virgin of the Pillar could save. In the final stretch of the match, the players from Bernard Canute they couldn’t do anything but try to hold on to the panorama until they heard the horn. Gernika sneaked into the semi-final while Spar Girona, for the first time since 2017, left the competition without reaching the final.

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