Get through the winter fit and healthy

by time news

Provide extra hygiene

Especially in winter we are much more susceptible to various viruses. Flu and colds, you can hardly ignore them. You cannot be completely prevented from being infected by others, but you can somewhat limit the chances of this. Wash your hands extra often when you are with other people a lot. Ventilate the rooms in which you work and live regularly, preferably every day. This ensures that there is sufficient fresh air in which to chase away viruses that roam around.

Eat healthy

Healthy eating is always important, but even more so in the winter. Sufficient fresh vegetables and fruit ensure that your resistance remains at the right level. Squeeze oranges, take a vegetable shake and eat carrots as a snack in between. There are plenty of ways to get your needed vitamin C on a daily basis. Do you still need some extra support? Ask your pharmacist or druggist about taking vitamin C supplements. This also applies to vitamin D. Because the sun shines much less in winter, your skin hardly makes vitamin D. You can also take a supplement to solve this deficiency.

keep moving

During the winter period it is oh so tempting to curl up under a blanket on the couch and watch a series on Netflix. But as tempting as it may sound, get outside so much. Walk or cycle, preferably daily. If you find it difficult to motivate yourself to go on your own, make arrangements with others to do this together. Do you not like getting wet due to hail, snow or rain? Then have umbrellas printed. And you can easily brave the winter cold by dressing warmly. Therefore, have a sweater printed so that you do not get cold. And you know, after the cycling or walking tour it is best to spoil yourself with a hot cup of chocolate milk with whipped cream. Is not it nice?

do fun things

You can do fun things to quell the winter blues. Going to the gym with friends, a wellness day or a nice dinner combined with an evening swinging in the nightclub. There are plenty of things to think of where you get rid of that gloomy feeling. Before you know it it will be spring again and you will still be brimming with energy!

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