Get to know Guy Savage, Konami’s never-before-seen action mystery game.

by time news

Konami, the gaming company, owns a number of popular game franchises, including Metal Gear, Castlevania, Silent Hill, Zone of the Enders, among others, which cannot be mentioned.

However, Konami has a game called “Guy Savage” which is a puzzle game that has never been released. And it’s only available through Metal Gear Solid 3 Snake Eater by unlocking the Easter Egg.

So why are small mini-games so intriguing to action game fans in the 2000s? This article introduces Konami’s gore-splattered Hack and Slach that never came out of nowhere.

Guy Savage, a game with a unique identity in another game.

Guy Savage is Konami’s first-ever hack and slash puzzle action game. and only through the PlayStation 2 version of Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater.

Before getting into the main content We need to understand how to unlock the Easter Egg by playing Guy Savage through Metal Gear Solid 3. There are minor spoilers, but overall It is not considered to destroy the enjoyment of the story too much.

How to play Guy Savage through MGS3


While Naked Snake (hereinafter Snake) is being held in Groznyj Grad Prison, players must contact the Codec via Para-Medic to request a save.

After saving the game, Para-Medic invites you to talk to Snake about the classic movie Dracula, where we learn Snake’s secret that he’s afraid of Dracula, and when talking about it even once, Snake faces a nightmare every time.

After finishing the conversation with Para-Medic, players will restart their PlayStation 2 console and load the latest save game. When the game is loaded The game will trigger an Easter Egg named Guy Savage, Snake’s Nightmare, in the form of a mysterious Konami game.

Mini-games that look like more than just an Easter Egg

Guy Savage (2)

In Guy Savage, players take on the role of one. which is believed to be a ghost-buster holding a pair of swords Must eliminate all monsters wearing police uniforms. The highlight of this game is the graphics using a light brown filter effect similar to the classic Footage. There is a simple but exciting battle system. and blood-splattered presentations, such as tearing a monster to pieces, stabbing its guts together, slashing its arms off the shoulders. Which has violent content similar to DOOM or BloodRayne games

In addition, if a large number of enemies are eliminated The game will automatically force the use of special powers. where the player will transform into a half-human A half-wolf whose attack power and attack speed are increased several times, and of course, the enemy’s death animation is more brutal as well.

Filterless Guy Savage gameplay video

If the player is able to kill an enemy according to the time limit (Timed Out) or Game Over, the game will cut into the cutscene where Snake wakes from a nightmare. and began to ask where he was What date and year is it now? It feels so real, and thanks to Para-Medic’s narrative, Snake faces a nightmare in the midst of a dire situation.

The mystery of Guy Savage that no one else knows except Konami.

Guy Savage

Although Guy Savage is a simple mini-game that doesn’t create a huge buzz like PT, because the game has a lot of potential. And with an interesting overall design, Konami is believed to be trying to hint that Guy Savage might have the right to become a full game in the future.

however Since MGS3’s release, Konami hasn’t revealed anything about Guy Savage, nor has Metal Gear director Hideo Kojima tried to keep it secret. by pretending to answer “What game is it? I know” has resulted in Guy Savage becoming a game that many MGS fans have wondered about. and pay a lot of attention

Around that time, many gamers speculated about Guy Savage that it could be an unannounced Konami game project built to fight Capcom’s Devil May Cry, or a former Konami game. which has been canceled for development rebuild to use MGS3’s Easter Egg jokes especially

Guy Savage (3)

Until then, Hideo Kojima revealed the first details of Guy Savage, stating that the original MGS 3 mini-game was a classic Shoot’em Up game, Gradius. Productions commented that I want to make a mini-game in MGS 3 that is more original. For that reason it eventually became a Guy Savage game.

Even so, Kojima Productions didn’t give fans a clear answer to what Guy Savage was about. So why is this game linked to the MGS family? Even Ten Ten Productions claims Guy Savage is a new Konami game directed and designed by Shuyo Murata, but this information has not been officially confirmed by Konami.

The fate of Guy Savage

Guy Savage

The answer finally became clearer in 2011 when Hideo Kojima and Konami teamed up to address Guy Savage at the Tokyo Game Show.

During the promotion of the Zone Of The Enders HD Collection game, Konami confirmed that Guy Savage is a prototype of Zone Of The Enders 3 (aka project Anubis 2) that has long been discontinued.

Guy Savage was originally an action game made up. to hope to hit the western game market But for some reason, Konami eventually had to cancel the development of the game project. including the aforementioned game project Can’t reveal much details to the public. Because the game has little progress in development. In the event, there was only one Guy Savage logo.

With Konami’s response, although Metal Gear Solid and ZOE fans alike would regret it, at least they were delighted to learn the fate of Guy Savage, the blood-curdling action game. for many years

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