Get to know “Plant milk” “Milk of the future” Milk from cereals and fruits.

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Plant milk, Plant-based milk, Alternative milk, Vegan milk, Non-dairy milk Refers to milk produced from nuts, grains and fruits, which are becoming milk of the future or alternative milk tovegan Conserving health and saving the world

Plant-based milk (Credit:

plant milkIt is extracted from plants with water, giving the aroma, taste and concentration similar to milk. people in the past know how to eat Plant milk Hundreds of years such as the indigenous Wabanaki people who lived in the northeast of America. Make nut milk for babies to drink.

north african Using locally sourced nuts to make milk, the Iberians have known plant-based milk for thousands of years. British in the Middle Ages Make Almond Milk Rice Pudding

In the 13th century, there was milk-like-plant juices Refers to plant juice that looks like milk.

Get to know Oat milk (Credit:

Today’s top-hit plant-based milks are: Almonds, oats, soybeans, coconuts, rice, cashews, macadamias

There are also many grains that can produce “milk” such as Barley, quinoa, pecans, peanuts, pecans, walnuts, pistachios, sorghum, corn, spelt, wheat, buckwheat, sunflower, pumpkin seeds, chia seeds, hemp seeds, sesame seeds, spinach seeds, seeds flax

Get to know Banana milk (Credit:

Fruits can make milk, for example. Coconut, Potato and Banana

milk of the future how to save the world When Livestock Making Carbon Footprints and use 3 times more water resources than agriculture vegan and conservationist So invite each other to be vegetable people to eat food.plant base Anything made from vegetables

Get to know Almond milk (Credit:

and must have Plant milk (plant milk) Milk that does not come from cows, sheep, goats, or other mammals. Plant milk is similar in benefits to cow’s milk. provide the same nutritional value

Plant milk It is creating a new awareness trend. new consumption Create a lifestyle trend that is aware of the impact on the environment. And also help maintain health.

Get to know There are many brands of Plant milk in the market.

A study of milk consumers aged 16-24 in England between 1974-2020 found cow’s milk consumption dropped from 94% to 73%. plant milk or Plant milk

especially the Europeans who turned themselves into vegan increase every year product birth Plant milk many brands such as brands oat milk Oatly In Sweden, founded in 1994, it is growing every year. The main consumers are Swedish, German, English and are becoming alternative milk In the tea-coffee shop cross over to China In America, Starbucks coffee shops useoat milk It is another alternative to more than 6,000 stores.

Get to know Plant-based milk yogurt (Credit:

from the survey of the website It said that in 2019 the plant milk market was valued at more than 12 billion US dollars, growing 11% per year.

As recently as 2021, food analysts say plant milk market Plant milk will be worth $62 billion by 2030.

Get to know Plant milk ice cream (Credit:

Nutrients in Plant milk compared to cow’s milk:

Cow’s milk 240 ml. (1 cup) energy 150 kcal, protein 7 g / soy milk 80 calories, protein 7 g / almond milk 40 calories 1-2 g protein / coconut milk (not coconut milk) provides Energy 50 calories, protein 0 / oat milk 120 calories, 2-4 g protein / rice milk 120 calories, 1 g protein / cashew milk 25-50 calories, protein 1 g / mother’s milk 50 calories, 1 gram protein

Some plant milks provide a variety of vitamins and minerals, such as:

Get to know Breakfast from Plant milk (Credit:

almond milk Provides less energy than cow’s milk, but contains protein, vitamin E and omega-3 fatty acids, omega-6 helps reduce cholesterol.

potato milk Contains fiber, protein, calcium, vitamin D, riboflavin, vitamin B12, folic acid.

oat milk named Barista oats Gives a good smell, whips up milk, contains iron, prevents anemia. and beta glucan Insoluble fiber Prevent heart disease and treat digestive system.

Get to know Potato milk (Credit:

Banana Milk High in fiber, vitamin A, B12 and vitamin D, banana milk is often loaded with spices such as cinnamon. Some brands have added sugar. Popular for making smoothies, pastries and adding to coffee.

Get to know (Credit:

milk of the future Help maintain health : This is because the incidence of “allergic” to lactose in cow’s milk (Lactose intolerance) is caused by a lack of the enzyme lactase. or not enough Microorganisms in the digestive tract use this sugar. causing the generation of acids and gases And draw water into the intestines, causing faster bowel movements. This causes symptoms such as abdominal pain, diarrhea, flatulence, nausea, and vomiting.

Get to know Pistachio milk (Credit:

Caution: Many plant-based milks are made from grains, nuts, and rice. Many people are allergic to it, causing symptoms.Celiac disease Caused by the body’s immune system or anti-gluten. Which is a protein in plants such as wheat, rye, barley, making it unable to absorb food in the small intestine.

Get to know Corn milk (Credit:

website states that celiac disease and gluten intolerance are different by gluten intolerance a food allergy Allergic reactions such as redness, itching, runny nose, sneezing, itchy eyes, swollen face, trouble breathing. Allergic reactions occur immediately after eating foods containing gluten, such as wheat, barley, rye.

Get to know Cheese made from cashew milk (Credit:

partCeliac disease Must allow time to build immunity against gluten that you eat. This will take longer to show symptoms. The common symptoms include digestive system problems, fatigue, tiredness, mood swings. dermatitis abnormal stool abnormal weight loss malnourished body

Get to know Coconut milk (Credit:

Nut Allergy Nut milk should not be consumed: Nut allergy sufferers will develop an allergic reaction when eating foods containing peanuts and tree nuts. Allergic reactions can occur on the skin. digestive system and respiratory system A severely allergic person may have a number of symptoms. From difficulty breathing, swollen throat, fast heartbeat blood pressure drop until he may be unconscious

Get to know Plant milk yogurt (Credit:

Choose Plant milk, read the label carefully: to prevent allergies and explore the nutrients contained inplant milk For example, some brands add oil, add sugar, salt, some to taste. Like cow’s milk flavored with sugar, chocolate, strawberries, coffee, etc., especially bean additives that some people have to be careful about.

Get to know Plant Base Choco Chip Muffins (Credit:

Some brands “Blend” milk from 2 or more plants such as Almond milk + coconut milk (not coconut milk) orAlmond + Cashew Nut Milk Therefore, you should read the label carefully.

Plant milk how to eat : Eat (drink) like cow’s milk Use like fresh milk Make pastries, cookies, yoghurt, ice cream until cheese Make all savory-sweet dishes Make with tea-coffee Make drinks, smoothies

Get to know Plant-based milk (Credit:

You can also cook it yourself at home. Choose grains, nuts, or fruits that are not allergic. Make it yourself. Eat it yourself. It’s clean and safe.


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