Get to know the startup that is expanding and coming out with a huge recruitment

by time news

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Marketing automation startup Optimove, Which raised $ 75 million, is expanding and recruiting 90 new employees in Israel, who will join the company’s 340 employees today in Israel and around the world. Optimov recruits for a variety of positions including developers Data Engineers, Data Analysts, Customer Success, Full StackTeam leaders, product managers, and dozens of other positions in sales, marketing and office support in Israel, USA, London, Scotland, France and Ukraine.

Optimov was founded by Pini Yekuel, who serves as CEO, and provides hundreds of international companies with an artificial intelligence-based platform for increasing sales to existing customers through customized marketing campaigns for each customer. Optimov helps companies rich in customer data, from a variety of industries, manage marketing strategies CRM Wide scale and customize thousands of campaigns for hundreds of customer segments with similar characteristics with accurate message, timing and use of the optimal marketing channel.

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Unlike other technologies that rely on predefined conditions, Optimov implements an artificial intelligence-based solution that independently determines, based on broad data, what the next correct message is for each and every customer, eliminating the need for manual mapping of these messages. The company’s customer data system CDP Offers marketing teams direct access to data from all customer contact points, to build, test, and optimize hundreds of weekly campaigns.

The platform is currently used to deliver more than 81 billion custom messages each year, helping brands and companies increase the net and average profit from their customers throughout their relationship with the company by more than 33%. Optimov has over 500 customers in the fields of retail, sports, gaming, e-commerce, communications and financial services.

The company is in the process of expanding both by recruiting quality manpower and by acquiring startups that contribute to the company’s platform. The company recently acquired the Scottish Cumoles, which gives the company new capabilities, especially in the field of mobile marketing, and adds to the company’s customer base some of the most powerful brands in the world, including Subway, Sanofi, Roche and-UPS.

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Shirley Avrani, VP HR Baoptimov: “We recruit both experienced workers who bring with them previous knowledge and experience, and they work at the beginning of their professional careers. They receive training from us and quickly become strong professionals in their field. In addition, we strongly believe in personal development and advancement. Internal between departments and promotions within the company. About two-thirds of the Optimov management was promoted from within the company! “.

She added that “it is important for us to maintain diversity and inclusion. Only recently have we been ranked in the top ten in the employment of women, with about 46% women in the company and about 30% in management positions. Optimov is a company “The company and the success of our customers. Our employees come from different backgrounds and different ages, but what they all have in common is the ability to think outside the box, the desire to do, hard work and success and all with the ability to enjoy the road. Together we build our unique culture.”

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