Get used to it: this is what the new Knesset will look like with 24 new Knesset members

by time news

With the end of the counting, the members of the 25th Knesset are also breathing a sigh of relief and getting used to the new reality, the new faces ahead of the swearing in of the Knesset in 12 days. ‘In the ultra-Orthodox rooms’ presents to you what the new Knesset will look like with 24 new members of the Knesset.

‘Likud’ – 32 Knesset members:

1. Benjamin Netanyahu
2. Yariv Levin
3. Eli Cohen
4. Yoav Galant
5. David Amsalem
6. Amir Ohana
7. Yoav Kish
8. Nir Barkat
9. Miri Regev
10. Avi Dichter
11. Mickey Zohar
12. Israel Katz
13. Shlomo Karai
14. Amichai Shikli
15. Danny Danon

Danny Danon. Photo: Mark Israel Salam, CEO.

16. Idit Silman
17. David Bitan
18. Yuli Edelstein.
19. Eliyahu Rabivo
20. Distal wave
21. Miracles and Etori
22. hello dinno
23. Haim Katz
24. Ofir Akunis
25. Tali Gottlieb
26. Hanoch Milbitsky
27. Boaz Bismuth

Boaz Bismuth. Photo: Yonatan Zindel, Flash 90.

28. Moshe Saada

Moshe Saada. (Screenshot)

29. Eli Delal
30. Gila Gamaliel
31. Ofir Katz
32. May Golan

A total of 7 new MKs in Likud.

‘Yesh Atid’ – 24 Knesset members:

1. Yair Lapid
2. Orna Barbiei
3. Meir Cohen
4. Karin Elharer
5. Merav Cohen
6. Yoel Razvozov
7. Elazar Stern
8. Mickey Levy
9. Merav Ben Ari
10. Ram Ben Barak

Ram Ben Barak Photo: Noam Moshkowitz, spokeswoman of the Knesset.

11. Yoav Seglovitz
12. Boaz Toporovsky
13. Michal Shir
14. Idan Roll
15. Yorai Lahav Harzno
16. Vladimir Belyak
17. Ron Katz

Ron Katz Photo: Dani Shem Tov, spokeswoman for the Knesset.

18. Mati the vehicle
19. Tanya Mazarsky
20. Jasmine Sachs Friedman
21. Debbie Beaton
22. Moshe (Kinley) Tor Paz
23. Simon Davidson
24. Naor Shiri

A total of 3 new MKs in Yesh Atid.

The ‘state camp’ with 12 Knesset members:

1. Benny Gantz
2. Gideon Sa’ar
3. Gadi Eisenkot

Gadi Eisenkot. Photography: Elad Malka.
4. Panina Tamno Sheta
5. Yifat Shasha Biton
6. Trooper troops
7. Zeev Elkin
8. Michael Beaton

9. Matan Kahana
10. Orit Farkash HaCohen
11. Sharan the intellect
12. Alon Shasoter

One new Knesset member in the ‘state camp’.

‘Religious Zionism’ with 14 Knesset members:

1. Bezalel Smotritz
2. Itamar Ben Gabir
3. Ofir Sofer
4. Orit Struck
5. Isaac and Sarloff

Ben Gvir and Yitzchak and Sarloff on election night. Photo: Yonatan Zindel, Flash 90.

6. Simcha Rothman.
7. Almog Cohen

Almog Cohen. Photo: Flash 90.

8. Michal Waldiger
9. Amichai Eliyahu
10. Zvika Fogel
11. Avi Maoz
12. Tel fan
13. Limor Son Har Melech
14. Moshe Salomon

A total of 7 new Knesset members in ‘Religious Zionism’.

Shas with 11 Knesset members:

1. Aryeh Deri
2. Jacob Margi
3. Yoav ben Tzur
4. Michael Malchiali
5. Haim Biton
6. Moshe Arbel

Moshe Arbel Photo: Noam Moshkowitz, spokeswoman of the Knesset.

7. Yonon azalea
8. Moshe Abutbul
9. Uriel Bosso
10. Yossi Taib
11. Avraham Bezalel

Avraham Bezalel. Archive ‘In my room’.

Shas with one new Knesset member.

‘Torah Judaism’ with 7 Knesset members:

1. Yitzhak Goldknopf

Yitzhak Goldknopf on election night. Photo: Aryeh Liv Abrams, Flash 90.
2. Moshe Gafni
3. Meir Parosh
4. Uri Makalev
5. Jacob Tesler
6. Jacob Asher
7. Israel Eichler

One new Knesset member for ‘Torah Judaism’.

‘Israel our home’ with 6 Knesset members:

1. Avigdor Lieberman
2. Oded Forer
3. Yevgeny Soba
4. Sharon Nir
5. Yulia Malinovsky
6. Hamad Emad

Amar. Photo: Dani Shem Tov, spokeswoman for the Knesset.

One new MK in the list.

‘Labor’ – with 4 Knesset members:

1. Marev Michaeli
2. Naama Lazimi
3. Gilad Karib
4. Efrat Reitan

Ra’am – with 5 Knesset members:

1. Mansour Abbas
2. Walid Taha.
3. Walid Alhuashla
4. Iman Khatib Yassin
5. Yasser Hujairat

Two new members of Knesset in Ra’am.

Hadash Ta’al with 5 Knesset members:

Ayman Odeh
Ahmed Tibi
Aida Toma Suleiman
Ofer Kasif
Yusuf Al Atauna

One new Knesset member in Hadash-Ta’al.

With the swearing in of the government, additional members of the Knesset will join the coalition factions after the implementation of the Norwegian law, bringing new strength to the 25th Knesset.

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