Getting “invisible workers” out of the double jeopardy

by time news

Office notebook. The government launched, Monday, March 21, a major seduction campaign on care and support professions to respond to recruitment tensions in the health, old age and disability sectors. The urgency was palpable from the interministerial circular of December 12, 2021, which underlined the need to“rapid mobilization of the public employment service and all the actors concerned” to meet recruitment needs. “350,000 hires will be made in the old age sector by 2025”quantified the cabinet of Brigitte Bourguignon, the minister delegate in charge of autonomy to the minister of health.

Four professions will thus be staged until the autumn to attract both young people who make their first choice of professional orientation until March 29 on Parcoursup, and the less young in search of employment or professional retraining. : caregiver, nurse, specialist educator, educational and social support. So many professions that have in common that they are essential to society, cannot be relocated and are as close as possible to people, but subject to difficult working conditions. “We need to bring in more young people. You still have to pay them.” recognizes the firm of Brigitte Bourguignon.

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Non-executive care and support professions are indeed among the 13 million “invisible” workers listed by the Fondation Travail autre, in a study published just a week earlier, on March 13. A mapping of 44% of the active population which details the characteristics of these workers according to the sector of activity, regions, etc. Mostly represented in the private sector and in small businesses, the “invisible” are overrepresented among women. Since they constitute 54% of this group of workers.

More autonomy

Unsurprisingly, the working conditions of the health professions (non-executive), in particular nurses, are described there as “painful” : “They spend their time standing (…), work holidays and weekends. But they are above all subject to the double penalty of poor working conditions and a management qualified as “disciplinary” by the authors of the study. “Decide on the tasks to be accomplished”, “his pace of work”, “his schedule”it’s not for them.

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On the remuneration side, a first step has been taken to revalue these professions, welcome the ministerial offices. Since the Ségur de la santé in 2020 and the careers conference in February 2022: “At the hospital and in a public nursing home, the salary of a caregiver is now 1,760 euros net monthly at the start of his career”, indicates the interministerial document; that of a nurse “is now 2026 euros net monthly after a year of career”; the remuneration of a specialized educator varies from 1,500 to 1,900 euros net, always at the start of their career; and that of an educational and social companion from 1,300 to 1,500 euros.

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