GGD Hollands Midden is preparing for vaccination campaign Monkeypox

by time news

On behalf of the Ministry of Health, Welfare and Sport, GGD Amsterdam and GGD Haaglanden started vaccinating against the Monkeypox virus (monpox virus) on Monday 25 July. The Hollands Midden region is also working hard to make these vaccinations possible.

The GGD Holland Midden is not yet ready to actually start vaccinating. “Persons who are eligible for vaccination will be personally invited for this,” the GGD reports on its website.

To reach everyone who is eligible, the Center for Sexual Health, the HIV treatment centers, general practitioners and the General Infectious Disease Control Department in our region work together. It is not possible to make an appointment for a Monkeypox vaccination on your own initiative.

(Image: RIVM).

Monkeypox, also often called monkeypox, is a viral infection that originally occurred mainly in West and Central Africa. Sometimes a traveler from that region comes to Europe with this disease. It’s a zoonosis. A disease that can be passed from animals to humans. In Africa, this mainly occurs through rodents. Since the spring of 2022, the disease has also spread in other parts of the world, including the Netherlands. In the current outbreak, animals do not play a role in the spread, but spread from person to person. The disease is usually mild in humans.

Leiden Society Region

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