Giannis Plutarch in a special “Night” – – Christina Politis

by time news

“Magical night” one would call the 8th Exclusive Live Event “Night falls with…RHYTHM” of RHYTHMO 94.9 held on the evening of Tuesday, January 23, 2024 at Village Cinemas του The Mall Athenswith the acclaimed folk performer John Plutarch, to enchant us with his greatest hits as well as songs with lyrics by the inimitable Eftychia Papagiannopoulou. With John Plutarch his daughter sang Katerina and the protagonist also participated Silver Voulioti from his favorite series ANT1+«Psycho girls».

“The best child” of the Greek discography, the only one John Plutarchexcited everyone with his huge successes and especially in the dedication of the great lyricist Eftychias Papagiannopoulou.

The evening began with his hostess and radio producer RHYTHMO 94.9, Iota Tsibrikidou to welcome on stage the unique one John Plutarch who kicked off the night with everyone’s favorite ‘Oh My Girl’. The popular performer enchanted with his voice and seduced the audience to the “rhythm” of his great hits such as “Love Hears Your Name” and “Stop at Last”, his latest hit.

Especially important and great moment of his 8th Exclusive Live Event RHYTHMO 94.9, was the tribute to Eftychia Papagiannopoulou. The beloved performer honored the great lyricist by performing songs that remain indelible in time such as “My last night” and “Glass world”.

Of course, there was also “Oniro apatilos”, one of the top songs with lyrics by Eftychia Papagiannopoulou and music by Apostolos Kaldara, in which John Plutarch he performed uniquely together with his daughter Katerina. Another duet that thrilled the audience was with the actress Silver Voulioti who performed the song “Perasmenes mo agapes” together. The first exclusive live event “The night is falling…with RHYTHM” for 2024, closed with a medley of great hits of our beloved Yannis Plutarchosliterally rousing his audience RHYTHMO 94.9!

The actress Asimenia Voulioti with Iota Tsibrikidou (presenter of “Night falls…with RHYTHMO” and radio producer of RHYTHMO 94.9), Yiannis Plutarchos who received the honorary plaque and Katerina Kakosaiou, shortly before the start of the 8th Exclusive Live Event of RHYTHMO 94.9 “Night falls with…RYTHMO”

The actress Asimenia Voulioti with Iota Tsibrikidou (presenter of “Night falls… with RHYTHM” and radio producer of RHYTHMO 94.9) and Katerina Kakosaiou, shortly before the start of the 8th Exclusive Live Event of RHYTHMO 94.9 “Night falls with… RHYTHM” ».

The actress Asimenia Voulioti during the 8th Exclusive Live Event of RYTHMO 94.9 “The night falls with… RYTHMO”.

9. Katerina Kakosaiou during the 8th Exclusive Live Event of RYTHMO 94.9 “Night falls with… RYTHMO”.

Iota Tsibrikidou, Yiannis Plutarchos

Iotas Tsibrikidou, George Plutarchos

Giorgos Arsenakos, Iota Tsibrikidou

Maria Georgakaina, (radio producer of RHYTHMO 94.9)

Christos Koutras, (Founder of with Lefki Vlassi, (Marketing Manager DAFNI Communications)

La Vie En Rose by Dimitra Katsafadou sponsored the 8th Exclusive Live Event of RHYTHMO 94.9 “Night falls with… RHYTHMO”

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