Gigliuto (Piepoli Institute), ‘consumer asks for more information from institutions’

by time news

2023-09-25 09:14:55

“We interviewed a representative sample of those Italians who use heated tobacco products as opposed to traditional ones. The benefits that they themselves have obtained clearly emerged from the interviewees: some feel better, others see their relationships with other people improved. Two thirds of those interviewed would not go back to traditional tobacco.” These are the words of Livio Gigliuto, Executive President of the Piepoli Institute, shortly before presenting – at the Sala Civita of Palazzo Generali in Rome – the results of the research on “The habits and opinions of adult consumers of heated tobacco products”.

“The other theme that emerged as fundamental was that of information – continued Gigliuto -. Many of these consumers have confessed to us that they need more details about the results of the research comparing the two types of products. In particular, Italians are asking for more attention and more study on the differences between traditional tobacco and heated tobacco. Those who use the latter type of products say that better dissemination of data would help, if not to stop, certainly to divert the consumer towards something less harmful”.

A further central focus that emerged from the research is the concept of word of mouth which “is the main tool for understanding heated tobacco – added Gigliuto, concluding that – many interviewees would recommend it primarily to those who cannot stop smoking”.

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