Gijs de Vries stops his acupuncture practice, but continues the fight against Parkinson’s

by time news

Heemstede – On December 1, Gijs de Vries will close the door of his acupuncture practice on the Eykmanlaan in Heemstede after 36 years.

Gijs has resolved or reduced complaints in more than 3,000 people over the years. Gijs, 63, was diagnosed with Parkinson’s at the age of 50. An acupuncturist with Parkinson’s sounds strange to the ears, but he could sting like the best. With melancholy he stops with his great passion. Gijs is on the waiting list for Deep Brain Stimulation, a brain operation with which singer Ernst Daniël Smid recently made the news.

Gijs is not only known in Heemstede and the surrounding area for his expertise in the field of acupuncture, but also for his actions against Parkinson’s. For example, he has been cycling the Bike for Parkinson’s with ‘Team Gijs’ for years and many great campaigns have been set up for this charity, such as baking cookies in collaboration with Tummers, spinning marathons at Nieuw Groenendaal, tennis clinics at Tennispark Groenendaal, walking guided by a guide in the Waterleiding dunes, wine tastings, eating together at Theehuis Cruquius. He will continue to dedicate himself to eradicating the rapidly growing Parkinson’s disease. He is forced to say goodbye to his profession.

There will be no farewell reception, Gijs has a gift for his current clientele.

Photo: Gijs de Vries. Photo supplied.

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