Gil Rosen, Amdocs: “We won’t be able to experience anything without Meta Wars. This is the new internet”

by time news

Gil Rosen, president of the marketing division at Amdocs, exposed the audience at Globes’ Israel Business Conference to the great revolution – the metaverse. Those who doubt that this will indeed happen, should remember, said Rosen, “that this was the case with every revolution that came and met a broad public that had difficulty changing its conception. Not only with the horse and the cart and the car a little over a century ago, but also with the transition to cellphones (“at most they will sell a few thousand devices”) or In the transition to the iPhone (Steve Bellmer, CEO of Microsoft, laughed at Steve Jobs who invented a device without a keyboard and without the ability to send emails, along with the best technology experts).

According to him, “For the first time in the short digital history, Metaverse allows us to experience the Internet while we are inside it,” said Rosen, “We are not looking at a screen, whether it is a computer screen, whether it is a tablet or a phone, but we are right inside. All the senses workers. If you are in that imaginary world on the edge of a skyscraper, and I ask you to approach the edge, you will not be able to. You are afraid. We are three-dimensional animals – and it turns out that our lives are three-dimensional. Therefore, we cannot see another way to experience something, and I wish for example For my daughter who will learn like this in a few years, whether it’s about galaxies, medicine or the Bible.”

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Rosen also cited a study that showed that the ability to remember material learned through the Metaverse systems was doubled, and the scope of the material itself was also doubled.

How much is this already happening? “Just real estate transactions in the imaginary worlds of Meta Wars are already happening in the amount of 70 million dollars. Investments in general in Meta Wars jumped in a few years from 60 billion dollars to 100 billion dollars. Meta (formerly Facebook) alone has already invested 10 billion dollars in this. They say that Zuckerberg is not normal, that he only invests in one area, but he understands that it is the Internet of the future. By the way, when he bought WhatsApp, they said the amount was absurd, when he bought Instagram, they said the amount was irrelevant, he knows what he’s doing.”

According to him, “Some people say it’s interesting, ‘but it’s probably only for the world of games.’ itself. Why? Because Boeing deals with very developed and advanced engineering, and it physically needs the people in the location itself. They want to see engineers from all over the world collaborating around the components, and experiencing their products before they are assembled in the real world. Today there is an opportunity to be inside the factory.”

“The Emir of Dubai announced the meta strategy of Dubai. They want to bring in 1,000 companies that deal with metaverse, they have a target for jobs, they have a target for GDP growth as a result, because they take this business seriously. What is metaverse? It The next Internet. It’s like telling you that 20 years ago the Internet only existed on a computer and only with links. Then came the mobile phone, then video, and this is our Internet today.”

And how does this relate to an old company like Amdocs? Rosen pointed out that Amdocs produces the software that activates the communication networks so that the metaverse is possible. “In Metaverse, there is no way to have a rotating circle if there is no good reception, because we are in the physical space. In Metaverse, you cannot freeze. Imagine a surgeon doing an operation and the scalpel gets stuck in the middle. The communication companies have to provide infrastructure that is many times more modern than today.”

And when will this great revolution be completed, and everyone will recognize it? Rosen: “There is a saying that the next 10 years will happen in 3 years. So we are now in a decade. The iPhone came out in 2003 and until 2007 it was a global phenomenon. In 5 years, the revolution will be here.”

The conference is in cooperation with Bank Hapoalim, sponsored by Phoenix, Amdocs, BDO, HOT, Geely, Shufersal, El Al, Tnuva, Profimax, the Medical Organization, MyDesk, Contigo, Cisco and with the participation of Mekorot, the Innovation Authority, Mobileye, Start Up Nation Central, Nemal Ashdod and Electricity Company

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