Ginori Museum, the garden reopens to the public after years of neglect

by time news

21 maggio 2022 – 17:48

“A first step that testifies to the desire to return this heritage of history and knowledge to the public”

from Corriere Fiorentino editorial staff

Waiting to reopen its doors to the public at the end of the renovation and refurbishment works, from today the Ginori Museum opens the gates of its garden, a large green space that for the first time is made available to the community of Sesto Fiorentino. The president of the Tuscany Region, Eugenio Giani, the mayor of Sesto Fiorentino, Lorenzo Falchi, and the regional director of museums of Tuscany, Stefano Casciu, have celebrated the opening of the garden together with Tomaso Montanari, president of the Richard Ginori Archive Museum Foundation of the Doccia Factory and to Andrea Di Lorenzo director of the Ginori Museum. The rebirth of the garden was made possible thanks to the investment of the Ginori Foundationwho took charge of pruning and securing the garden, subtracting it from the state of neglect it was in since 2014, following the bankruptcy of Richard Ginori and the consequent closure of the Museum. Equally important to achieve this result was the availability of the Sesto associations. Thanks to them this new common space will be open every day from 8.30 to 19.30 in the coming months.

“As also recalled a few days ago by Minister Dario Franceschini, – explained the president of the Foundation, Tomaso Montanari – the Ginori Museum survived the Richard-Ginori bankruptcy thanks to an extraordinary popular movement. The opening of the garden is the first step to immediately give back to the city of Sesto something it really deserves ». «It is a first step towards the total opening of the museum, scheduled in three years. A first step – he commented Eugenio Giani, President of the Tuscany Region – which, in addition to allowing citizens to take advantage of a new green lung, testifies well to the desire to return this immense heritage of history and knowledge to a wider public. It is truly a great emotion to return to these places, inserted in a context that speaks to us of the Medici with their splendid villas, but also of an important piece of the industrial and workers’ history of Tuscany ».

The Richard Ginori Archive Museum Foundation of the Doccia Manufactory Established in 2019 on the initiative of the Ministry of Culture, together with the Tuscany Region and the Municipality of Sesto Fiorentino, the Foundation aims to preserve, catalog, study, communicate and exhibit an extraordinary artistic heritage , historical, social and economic and to make its very rich collection of ceramic artefacts a truly common, accessible and inclusive good, which exercises an active role in the debate on the present and is able to open new perspectives for the future.

21 maggio 2022 | 17:48

© Time.News

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