Giorgia Meloni’s policy brought illegal immigration down … which turned to Spain and Greece

by time news

2024-08-28 08:41:21

According to the Italian Interior Ministry, the number of illegal immigrants in the country from January 1 has decreased by 65% ​​compared to 2023.

A strong departure from the European elections, where she was the only head of an EU leader to lead her own party list, and received a better score than in the 2022 legislative elections which brought her to power, Giorgia Meloni can boasts another favorable score this summer. : the entry of illegal immigrants into Italy is in free fall. With 40,138 illegal immigrants arriving on the country’s shores as of August 27, 2024, compared to 113,469 on the same day last year, statistics from the Italian Ministry of the Interior shows a 65% reduction in the number of irregular entries compared to 2023.

This number is still below compared to 2022, where from January 1 to August 27, the Italian authorities counted 55,921. Among these illegal immigrants, the number of unaccompanied children has practically increased by 4 – 5,044 have been since January 1, 2024, compared to 18,820 at the same time last year.

The number of illegal immigrants leaving Italy has dropped by 65% ​​compared to 2023.

So many statistics that the Minister of the Interior Matteo Piantedosi, a close adviser and predecessor to Matteo Salvini, who became the face of the fight against illegal immigration by Giorgia Meloni, proudly published with a weekly update on the website of the ministry soak. .

And for good reason: while this policy is one of the priorities of Giorgia Meloni and her government, the results have been difficult to feel. This is evidenced by the significant increase in the number of illegal arrivals in 2023 (more than double that of 2022), which led Matteo Piantedosi to identify is an official thing The Press as of December 31, 2023, figures “which is not consistent with the goals set by the government”.

However, the same also confirms that the diplomatic aspect of Giorgia Meloni’s efforts has already borne fruit: “Cooperation with the Tunisian and Libyan authorities made it possible to prevent half of the arrivals”he greeted himself.

Diplomatic cooperation

The policy of agreements and cooperation with the Mediterranean countries where illegal immigration arrives on Italian shores also allows the transalpine government to handle the returns of illegal immigrants: more than 9,000 have already taken place in 2024 according to the daily conservatives The magazine with at least 5,000 to Libya and almost 4,000 to Tunisia. A figure, again, on the rise.

The magazine also shows the possible coercive effect of the many measures to stimulate the conditions of illegal immigration adopted by Giorgia Meloni since he came to power, most of the time through the decrees: the string of punishments provided for terrorists and ship captains, the ease of the push (which does not take into account the possible family links between illegal immigrants and people living in Italy), the restriction of the right to work for privileged people from a special asylum regime, and monitoring the right to asylum of migrant NGOs.

Despite the delay in their construction, mainly due to constitutional problems, reception centers planned in Albania to examine applications for asylum from immigrants who want to go to Italy outside the borders of the European Union is also able to play a role. After many delays, the Italian Interior Ministry hopes to see them open by the end of August.

Illegal immigration on the rise in Greece and Spain

However, this decrease in the arrival of illegal immigrants in Italy does not mean that the migrant routes between the south and the north of the Mediterranean are closed, far from it. At the same time, landings increased in Spain by 155%, and in Greece by 222%.

This is also why the Spanish Prime Minister Pedro Sanchez visited this Tuesday, and until August 29, in West Africa : the head of the socialist government is expected in Mauritania, Senegal and Gambia, while the Spanish archipelago of the Canary Islands is among the beginnings of a massive wave of arrival of undocumented immigrants – 30 years from this August 28 , after rising. of the first boatload of illegal immigrants in the Canaries in 1994.

Pedro Sanchez has already called on European countries to share the effort and welcome some of these migrants, while the European Pact for Asylum and Migration, whose final implementation work does not make it possible to deal with the emergency in the Canaries, provides perfect for the installation of such a device. This is inspired by Giorgia Meloni.

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#Giorgia #Melonis #policy #brought #illegal #immigration #turned #Spain #Greece

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