Giorgia Surina presents her first book in Porto Cervo

by time news

Giorgia Surina, actress, radio speaker and writer, from the terrace of the Hotel delle Rose in Porto Cervo, yesterday evening on the occasion of the second evening of the summer festival of La Ragione “Voices and Stories in Porto Cervo” presented her first book “In two it will be easier to stay awake ”.

There are many ideas for reflection and debate that arise from Giorgia Surina’s new editorial project. Current and difficult themes: the desire for motherhood, female and family identity. A novel, that of Giorgia Surina, touching and delicate that wants to face with courage and firmness a taboo in our society, that of the practice of assisted procreation. A practice, the PMA, more and more widespread, and studded with joys, pains, emotions and fears. A nascent theme that is still hard to talk about. “With this novel”, says Surina, “I would like to shed light on a theme that is still taboo today, which is not spoken about and which often remains hidden in silence, of which there is still great shame”.

Everyone thinks about giving birth to a child sooner or later, but what happens to a woman who, on the threshold of forty, has no prospect of achieving it? Is having a child alone an act of pure selfishness, extraordinary madness or love? “There are many forms of love and many ways of becoming a mother. The family is what we build for ourselves and, above all, what we want ”, comments Surina.

From the chat with the Director of La Ragione Fulvio Giuliani it also emerges that, especially in the South, there are many preconceptions and fears in dealing with such a delicate issue, such as motherhood acronyms and PMA. “To write this book, I interviewed many girls who come from many parts of Italy,” says Surina. “Many of them and especially those who came from the South told me, not only that, that they had struggled to convince themselves for a decision that they would never have wanted to take the biggest stumbling block was above all their families and their friends”.

Giorgia Surina is aware of moving on an inclined and slippery plane, exposed to the criticism of those who see in the choice of motherhood (or paternity) of a single an act in which love and generosity risk being confused with the selfishness of love for all. costs. “I know, I am aware of how disturbing for many in our country it can appear even just to talk about it – she admits – but I am firmly convinced that only by addressing the ‘unspoken’ can we evolve as a society”.

An uphill, winding road full of fears, doubts, sacrifices and love that Giorgia Surina has tried to retrace in this new novel. The appointment now for the next appointment of Voices and Stories in Porto Cervo is Tuesday 16 August with the editorial director of La Ragione, Davide Giacalone and the writer Andrea Pamparana. All the meetings will become podcasts and content available on the La Ragione website app and social.

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