Girls also dream of golden swines

by time news

2023-12-05 14:44:00

She still has no technique nor has she faced qualified opponents, but Yenisleidi Ponce throws punches as if she knew she could be the first Cuban Olympic champion in women’s boxing. It mainly depends on her dedication to learning. The largest of the Antilles has already paved the way for women.

Along with that young girl, Julio Díaz, his sister Yeleidi and Tailianne Yanet Martínez, all from the Blanca Arena community, in Bahía Honda, the land of the three-time Pan American boxing champion Orestes Solano, also arrived at the Eide.

Yenisleidi had played baseball before; However, he prefers combat sports. His thing is not home runs but volleys of hooks and swings.

Nor does he accept that this sport takes away feminine qualities; He does believe that it gives them security and confidence. His willingness to put on the gloves is a jab at conservatism and ignorance.

Arguments abound: in the most recent women’s world championship, no injury or knockout occurred. Of the 202 countries affiliated with the International Boxing Association (IBA), women practice it in 186. And Cuba is only consistent with the Constitution of the Republic, the Program for the Advancement of Women and the recently approved Family Code .

Medals yes, prejudices no

So, months after the approval of women’s boxing in our country, the Artemiseña Eide prepares its first five boxers, in order to dream of possible medals in the Olympic Games (like the men), and in defiance of all kinds of prejudices. .

Juan Miranda Cardosa, a coach of this discipline for 21 years, commented on the difficulty of recruitment, since taboos persist mainly among parents.

“You have to make them fall in love with this sport; It is the same as judo, wrestling, taekwondo, karate or weights. They are only resisting the new. Some had their ballot in their hand, the father backed away… and they didn’t arrive.”

The former pugilist declared that they are already beginning to organize bumps, among the girls in the 15-16 year old category, in the Artemisa park, to encourage those who see them.

“The intention is not to steal athletes from other disciplines, but if they prefer boxing they will be welcomed. In the national team itself there is a former wrestler, and in the Eide there is a young volleyball player, also from Bahia, with very good conditions… even the father is confused.

“These girls arrived after the meeting with the municipal coaches, so that they could look for possible talents in each place. It doesn’t matter if they don’t know anything; here we will teach you the alphabet. They were at zero; However, they assimilate quickly. “Women learn the steps better and pay more interest.”

He even dares to say that, although they will see the results in the long term, in six months they will master everything: combinations, turns…

Without a quadrilateral, despite…

On the other hand, the deplorable state of the ring, the shortage of gloves and implements, force the mud to be turned into a miracle. They are not seen as intimidated or surrendered, that is perceived; Even so, it tastes very bitter to see them on the dilapidated ring.

And what really perplexes anyone is not being able to use the recently renovated Narciso Friol Santos gym, so close by, in the Sports Complex 3, in Artemisa, equipped with lighting to hold posters at night, with bedrooms, bathrooms, chairs and stands for spectators.

That ring, the result of an investment amounting to 1.6 million pesos, the work of the Constructive Image Local Development Project (Imacons), belongs to the CVD, not to the Eide. But will that be enough reason not to contribute to the development of boxing in the Eide of the territory?

“To use the new gym, we have to establish an agreement with its director. It is difficult for us because, since they remodeled it, they have it for their practices, in the afternoon, with children, and they do not allow us to work,” explains Reinier Valdés, head of the school’s department.

“When other provinces propose to hold caps, we can’t even organize them here; “We don’t have a ring in conditions for that.”

If it is about organization and agreements, we will have to sit down and look for beneficial solutions for both parties. It is important to take care of the dream come true of the new gym like gold, and agree that Artemisa is only one of them all. Thus, from its unavoidably common facilities, gold medals will also come out for its people.

#Girls #dream #golden #swines

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