Girls need to be encouraged in technology without boys

by time news

Ahe hopes of German industrial companies rest on schoolgirls like Jenny Kotkowskij. They are always urgently looking for young people in technology and computer science and see it as a major problem that so few young women decide to do an apprenticeship or study in these areas.

The 18-year-old Jenny, who has chosen chemistry and biophysics as advanced courses and is just completing the eleventh grade, and some of her classmates can well imagine working in the Mint area (mathematics, computer science, natural sciences, technology) later.

Jenny attends the Alexander-von-Humboldt-Gymnasium in Schweinfurt, which has a strong Mint focus. There, too, the typical pattern can be seen: boys are in the majority at two-thirds, and a disproportionately large number of girls choose the language branch.

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