Giro d’Italia 8 stage at Colombian Egan Bernal, tomorrow 139 km in Foligno, opinions and forecasts by Enrico Pirondini

by time news

Giro d’Italia, in the eighth stage, a masterpiece by the Colombian Egan Bernal, a phenomenon who grew up in Italy. With a finish on the dirt, sumptuous, overbearing, angry. In a word: from the film library.

The boy from Bogotà, born on the same day as Pantani, won the Campo Felice stage by force and wore the pink jersey. Leaving all the strongest behind. At the finish line also tears that recalled his suffering as a man and athlete.

An immense talent forged first in Sicily and then in Piedmont. He lived for two years in the Canavese area. At 22 years and six months he won the Tour, third youngest ever.

But what he showed in Campo Felice was simply fabulous. With the finish line at 1,655 meters located at the end of a dirt road with double-digit slopes.

Almost unreal. “Exaggerated,” the TV commentators screamed. Egan caught up with the French pioneer Boucrard by burning his lead by a couple of minutes. Even with the fundamental help of an amazing Gianni Moscon.

Like a hawk he launched himself on the standard bearer of the Ag2R team (who was already looking forward to victory), at 400 meters he flanked him and passed him gliding over the finish line alone, his arms in the sky, tears of emotion.

His first words: “Wearing this pink jersey is a dream but it was worth it. Even if I had to keep it for just one day, I’m happy ”. A few steps away from him, squatting in front of a barrier, Bouchard is crying bitterly. He is inconsolable.

He had slipped the right escape. He felt very inspired. He had won two GPMs and trailed Carr, Molllema, Storer, Bouwman. Who could catch him? Moscon plays the charge to the group which has fantastic acceleration. And starts Bernal who makes the vacuum.

Behind him Ciccone, Vlasov, Martin. Attila loses the pink jersey and drops to fifth place. After Bernal, Evenepoel, Vlasov, Ciccone are placed in the general classification. Tim Merlier is cyclamen jersey, Bouchard is blue jersey. The Giro is ready for its second week.

Giro, Corsa Rosa increasingly international

Runners from five continents. And surprises from Hungary, Norway, Russia, the United States. With an Australian certainty: Cabel Ewan (who retired on Friday after an hour of racing and two stage wins).

The most surprising revelation came from Hungary with Attila Valter, pink jersey from the sixth stage (Ascoli). Never had a Hungarian got so high.

At the wheel we put Tobias Foss, 23, Norwegian from Lillehammer, pillar of the Jumbo Visma, third in the Turin time trial behind Ganna and Affini.

Follows the American Joe Dombrowki, born in Delaware (East Coast), climber of Team Emirates, winner of the fourth stage – Modena-Cattolica, a flight of 177 km – in front of De Marchi (finished in pink) and Fiorelli.

Of course, the Russian from Astana should be mentioned, the 25-year-old Aleksandr Vlasov, fourth in Termoli, in the general classification, about ten seconds from the Evenepoel and Bernal phenomena.

The certainty is (was) the Australian Cabel Ewan, the lightning bolt from Sydney, 26, winner of two stages (Cattolica and ????Termoli). Proving to be the most skilled sprinter. Surprisingly, he retired after seven stages and is already projected on the Tour.

Tenth stage. Monday 17th May. From L’Aquila to Foligno. There are 139 km with a single, modest climb. Just 655 meters. 36 kilometers from the finish.

Stage for sprinters. No selection is foreseen. The arrival of Campo Felice has left a mark. Not easy to dispose of. The first flying finish is in Santa Rufina after 47 kilometers. After 56 km there is the Somma pass.

We are already in Umbria, in the Spoleto district, in the province of Perugia. Then hit Foligno. Flat finish with several crossings of small towns. With the usual sequence of roundabouts and traffic dividers.

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