Girona entities and companies received 10.5 million in competitive European funds

by time news

The organizations and companies of the Girona counties obtained 10.5 million euros from competitive European funds in 2021according to a report promoted by the Department of External Action and the European Union of the Generalitat.

with a total of 1,152 million euros, up to 1,034 projects based in Catalonia received funding of competitive European funds in 2021, which reached 33 counties and 119 municipalities. In Gironamost of the funding went to the Gironaspecifically 7,442,409 eurosof which up to 7,431,315 stayed in Girona city, being the sixth Catalan municipality that received a higher amount.

La Selva was the second region of Girona to receive more funding (2.5 million euros), followed by Garrotxa (220,574 euros), Alt Empordà (211,843 euros), Ripollès (44,155 euros), the Baix Empordà (27,788 euros) and the Pla de l’Estany (7,020 euros).

Among the entities that benefited from these funds are the University of Girona, which received 3,485,631 euros, or the Girona Biomedical Research Institute Foundation Dr. Josep Trueta, who benefited with 609,768 euros.

Competitive European funds are those managed directly by the European Commission or its executive agencies, without the intervention of third parties such as states. This type of fund represents around 20% of the European Union’s budget for the period 2021-2027. Therefore, the study presented by the Government does not incorporate the resources from the Next Generation funds, the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF), the European Social Fund+ or aid to agriculture or fishing, but includes the Horizon programs Europe, LIFE, Erasmus+ or Europa Creativa-Media, among others.

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