Girona football: The coming champions

by time news

He Girona regional football face the final stretch of the season and the leaders have already started the countdown to be able to celebrate the title of champions. There are almost two months left until the end of the course and there is still no first place decided, but there is one on track. The current leaders of the leagues are the Scale (Primera Catalana), Roses (Second), Bellcaire d’Empordà, Sporting Vidrerenca and Fornells (Third) i Hostoles, Caldes de Malavella, La Punxa and Roses B (Fourth).


L’Escala has been the leader since the start of the league and has eight points of cushion with respect to the runners-up, Vic and Figueres, who face each other this Sunday. With seven games to go, the boys fromArnau Hall they smell the title of champion and promotion to Tercera RFEF, which would be historic for the club. Those from Nou Miramar have never played higher than Primera Catalana. If l’Escala ends up as champions, the pursuers will have to settle for the Catalan Superliga, as there is only one promotion place at stake.


After a first phase with two groups, the top six are competing for promotion to Primera Catalana. Roses is the promotion play-off leader, ahead of Tossa de Mar and Torroella, which would also go up. It is a unique opportunity to move up, as at least three of the six teams in the league will be promoted. The Rosinc team, trained by the young man Eric Perez and with 10 margin points with the promotion places, he set foot in the Primera Catalana for the last time in the 1994/95 season.


In Tercera Catalana, only the champion of each group goes up to Second. The Bellcaire d’Empordà leads the 16. Those of Pitu Batlle they are the only Girona team that remains unbeaten so far this season: 21 wins, 4 draws and 0 losses. The people from Baixemporda, who have never overcome the barrier of this category, have a margin of four points with respect to their direct rival, Palafrugell de Sepwith whom he has theaverage a favor.

In group 17, Sporting Vidrerenca de Jordi Juanola and the player at the same time Tito Ortiz, having moved to Segona Divisió A, is on course to return to Segona Catalana nine years later. Selvatans have a seven point cushion with Hostalric de Mingowith whom he must meet on the penultimate day in a duel that may end up being decisive.

Who is also preparing the return to Segona Catalana a decade later is Fornells de la Selva, outstanding leader of group 18. The boys from Carlos Polvillo they were a Second Division team for the last time in 2013 and have already taken out the calculator to find out the day they will achieve promotion: they have accumulated 10 consecutive victories and have a margin of 13 points over Abadessenc and Amer with 27 left in game Fornells has been moving to the upper area of ​​Tercera for years and this year, if there is no relegation, the prize will not escape them.

Fornells is the leader of Tercera Catalana with 13 cushion points. EU FORNELLS


In the same way as it happens in Tercera Catalana, only the champions of the four groups of Quarta are guaranteed promotion. Uncompensated promotions and withdrawals could give some more room to bounce back in the summer. Group 27 is the most quarrelsome of all. Hostoles hunted for the lead before Easter to the detriment of Santjoanenc. The boys of Pep Casadevall they have a point margin and the goal average in their favor with nine games to go. Those from Sant Feliu de Pallerols have in their hands to recover a category they lost just a year ago.

Caldes de Malavella, who also dropped from Tercera to Quarta Catalana last year, is the leader of group 28 and wants to resurgence. those ofAlberto Menendez they have a 13-point cushion with six games to go, but their direct rivals, Tordera B, have two games to go that could reduce the margin to 7.

In Roses they are looking for the double

CF La Punxa, a Palafrugell club founded in 2021, is looking for the first promotion of its life in the Gregal. The men of Mounir Chami i Majid Talhi they are leaders of group 29 and a month ago they gave the lunge to the subsidiary of Sant Feliu de Guíxols. They are already five points ahead, which could be eight if tomorrow (9 p.m.) they win at Penya Bons Aires B in a pending match.

At Mas Oliva, in Roses, they dream of the double. The first team is on course for promotion to Primera Catalana and its subsidiary leads group 30 of Quarta. The set of Juan Diego Herrera he has a seven point margin over Esplais, from Castelló d’Empúries, with whom he will meet next April 22 in a match where the Rosincos could decide the title.

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