Girona, one of the provinces with the most foreign investment

by time news

2023-08-16 06:30:48

He real estate market of Girona is a very attractive market for foreigners, especially because of its particular geographic situation that makes the province a difficult attraction to improve. So much so that, according to Real Estate Registry Statistics of the third quarter of 2023, the province occupies the Spain’s fourth position in the ranking of foreign purchases (31.71%)only behind Alicante, Santa Cruz de Tenerife and Malaga.

A situation, that of the Girona real estate market which, Esteve Garciaresponsible for the development of the network of the real estate portal Iad, describes as a “very interesting”despite the turmoil arising from the pandemic of the war in Ukraine – and the subsequent energy crisis – and the rise in interest rates to contain a inflation “runaway” which have induced a decline in purchasing power. Despite these circumstances, the penalization of savings has led to families a invest in the acquisition ofhousing, points out the expert who also describes the demarcation as a “privileged enclave” that motivates many foreigners to decide on Girona when it comes to buying. A desire of foreigners to buy in Girona that has grown by 5% during the first quarter of 2023 compared to the same period last year, according to data from the Real Estate Registry Statistics.

By nationality, the French and the English public they are the ones who buy the most in the Girona province. The reasons, according to the expert, are: the Mediterranean climate, the connectivity it offers with the presence of two airports less than two hours from the capital, the legal security that protects its acquisition and the high professionalism of the agencies Girona real estate. By region, Baix and Alt Empordà are the favorite areas of this audience. For Garcia, the preferences of these two audiences are very similar, but he points out that the french people are more “selective” and “demanding” because they know more about the area. Instead, the English are more “generic” because they come to find out. Although they are the most prominent buyers, the expert highlights Moroccans as a buying public that has grown a lot in recent years in areas across the province such as Salt.

As for the profile, the young foreign professionals, with an average age of 35, are the ones who buy the most. According to Iad’s network manager, this profile opts for homes that are not excessively large, functional, that are located in a well-connected area and that have a foreign community around where they can share. In this sense, Garcia emphasizes that these jewes are “nomadic”, that is, most of them work in technology companies, work remotely, and are looking for an experience outside their country. Unlike this profile, the retirees -which according to a study by Ipsos and Iad in 2022 only represented the 8% of total buyers abroad– they are not looking for an experience, but they want an environment with a good climate and service, especially the medical one, points out the expert.

Considering the areas, the The coastal area and the mountains are the favorites of foreigners. The expert observes a big difference between the foreign public who buys in the mountains and those who do it on the coast. Those who decide on the coast do so mainly because of the climate and are not so picky when it comes to shopping. On the other hand, those who opt for mountain areas are foreigners of high socio-cultural level who prioritize the natural environment and live experiences. In this sense, according to Garcia, the Pyrenean area is highly sought after for its ski slopes and for its pproximity to Andorra and France.

In terms of the future, the expert predicts that the province of Girona will continue to lead the ranking of home purchases by foreigners in Spain in the coming months because “interest rates will relax” and there will be a “containment of price” that will continue to motivate the purchase, although it portends that there will be a rental problem on a Spanish scale because the legislation is not “helping” the sector.

#Girona #provinces #foreign #investment

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