Girona’s business forecasts are the most optimistic in Catalonia

by time news

2023-07-29 06:31:00

Girona companies have the better business prospects throughout Catalonia in the Tfirst quarter of 2023. This is demonstrated by the business climate survey of the National Institute of Statistics (INE). The harmonized business confidence index (ICEH), the main indicator, establishes that the demarcation of the Chambers of Girona, with a 3.4% increase, is the one that shows the highest increase in the entire territory, followed by the Chambers of Tarragona (2.2%), that of the Chamber of Barcelona (1.6%) and that of the Chambers of Lleida (0.3 %). Opening the prism, on the scale of all of Catalonia, the ICEH rises by 1.2% in the third quarter of 2023 compared to the same period last year.

By business size, in Catalonia the Large companies have better prospects than medium and small companies. According to the study, establishments with more than 1,000 employees increase their confidence by 5.1%, while companies with between 200 and 900 employees do so by 3.9%, and those between 50 and 199 by 1.2%. On the other hand, in the smallest establishments, with fewer than 10 workers, the improvement is 0.7% and in those between 10 and 49, confidence falls by 0.8%.

Considering the sectors, compared to the same quarter of last year the increase in confidence rises slightly by 0.2%. The trade is the sector that tops the list with an increase of 3.8%, followed by construction (1.3%) and other services (0.2%). By contrast, sectors such as hospitality and transport and manufacturing have cut their outlooks by 3% and 1.6%, respectively, compared to the same quarter in 2022.

The practices at the top

On the other hand, the survey reveals that in the second quarter of 2023, 1 out of every 3 business establishments in Catalonia declare that they do some kind of collaboration with centers where professional training is given (33.6%). By activity sector, those who collaborate the most are the industry and hospitality, with percentages of 42.0% and 40%, respectively. At the other extreme, the sector that has a closer relationship with VET centers is construction, where the percentage of establishments that collaborate is lower, with a percentage of 26.9%.

The companies that collaborate with centers that teach this professional training do so, in theoffer of internships to students (89.5%), the recruitment of qualified personnel through job boards (52,1%) i l’stay of students in the company in dual professional training (48.8%). It should be noted that 60% or more of companies in the industrial (63.0%), construction (60.0%) and trade (60.1%) sectors declare this as the second most frequent type of collaboration the stay of students in dual training.

By size, the companies most likely to make agreements with these centers are those with 50 or more employees, with a percentage of 44.9%. A percentage that is 11.3 points higher than the Catalan average. In these establishments, the most common source of recruitment is job boards with 58%.

Difficulty finding a profile

Regarding the difficulty for companies to hire people with professional training qualifications during the second quarter, 39.7% of Catalan companies surveyed declare that they have not had difficulties, on the contrary, 33% affirm that they have. On the other hand, the remaining 27.2% have not had the need to resort to FP to hire workers in this period. In terms of activity, the sector stands outhospitalitywith the highest proportion of companies declaring to have had difficulties, with 44.1%.

Of the companies that have had difficulty, the main aspects they have encountered are the lack of professionals with adequate training for the required profile (92.0%), the lack of initiative and commitment (65,2%) to day non-acceptance of working conditions, such as hours, salary, etc. (50.8%). This pattern is repeated in all sectors of activity and all sizes, except in construction, where the lack of capacity and leadership (45.7%) is slightly more frequent than the non-acceptance of working conditions (42 .0%). The sectors of the construction and hospitality account for the highest percentages ofestablishments with difficulties to find professionals with the required profile, of 98.8% and 94.2%, respectively. In addition, in the case of hospitality, the proportion of establishments that declare difficulties in finding staff with initiative and commitment rises to 90.6%, and the percentages in the other aspects that have been assessed are the highest.

By sector, construction and hospitality account for the highest percentages of companies with difficulties in finding professionals with the required profile, at 98.8% and 94.2%, respectively. In addition, in the case of hospitality, the proportion of establishments that declare difficulties in finding staff with initiative and commitment rises to 90.6%.

Among the establishments that have hired people with professional training qualifications in the last 3 years, 29.1% have done it with people who had recently obtained their degree. This percentage is very different between sectors and ranges from 18.5% in hospitality to 38.1% in the case of industry. There is also quite a difference according to the size of the establishment, where the percentage is lower in the case of establishments with less than 10 employees (18.1%), while it is 38.4% in the case of establishments of 50 employed or more.

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