Girona’s exports grew by 12.2% during the first quarter of the year

by time news

2023-05-18 14:30:48

Girona’s exports have grown by one 12,2% during the first quarter of 2023 and the foreign sales of the companies in the demarcation already touch 2,000 million euros. According to the statistics of the Ministry, the sector that has been boosted the most is l’agrialimentari. Between January and March, the number of signatures it collects has grown more than 30% in exports; above all, because of the momentum that the meats maintain. Conversely, however, one of the other engines of Girona’s economy, chemicals, they close the quarter down (and its exports fall by 17%). By country, the main market is France. China, especially for pork sales, is in fifth place in the destination ranking.

Girona companies close the first quarter of 2023 with an increase in foreign sales. Between January and March, exports have registered a new record and the firms in my demarcation have exported products worth 1,993.9 million euros. Translated into percentages, this represents a 12.2% increase compared to the same period last year.

If you analyze the quarter as a whole, that sector that stands out above the rest is l’agrialimentari. Because in fact, between January and March, the companies in this cluster have grown up to 30.9% and have invoiced 889.8 million from foreign markets.

And within the agri-food industry, the preeminence of meats remains indisputable. In fact, the firms in this cluster concentrate the bulk of exports, because between January and March, their sales abroad were 516.35 million. Compared to the same period in 2022, the growth is significant (because at that time, Girona’s slaughterhouses and meats exported worth 398.66 million).

However, the good external tone experienced by the agri-food industry does not transfer to the other sector which is also the driving force of Girona’s economy: the chemicals (including the pharmaceutical industry). Because their companies close the quarter down, and between January and March their exports fall by up to 17% (standing at 299 million).

The machinery, up

Finally, the third sector that completes the podium – that of machinery manufacturers – is also experiencing one first quarter up. In this case, between January and March 2023, their firms have exported components and devices worth 138 million, which compared to the same period last year represents a growth of 14% (because then, sales in abroad were 121.15 million).

Beyond the overall for the quarter, the data from the Ministry of Industry, Commerce and Tourism also includes data from the sea. During this month, Girona’s exports have grown by 12.5% and firms in the demarcation have sent products abroad worth 768.3 million.

And in this case, the quarterly situation is also repeated. The sector that has led the growth has been, again, the agri-food sector (which has been boosted by 21.6% and has invoiced 332.5 million). And on the contrary, during March, chemicals have declined in exports (closing the month with a drop of 7.8% and with 125.1 million euros).

France and Italy, in the lead

Regarding destinations, by proximity, France it continues to be the main market for Girona products abroad. During the first quarter of 2023, Girona companies made sales worth 526.20 million. In this country, they already follow him quite far behind Italy (176.37 million), Germany (159.73 million) and Portugal (109.14 million)

Behind them, and in fifth position, is the Asian giant (it must be taken into account that when the china was suffering from the effects of swine fever, had reached second place in the ranking). Here, between January and March, Girona companies made sales worth 91.46 million.

#Gironas #exports #grew #quarter #year

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