Gironde: Family Planning targeted twice by a far-right group

by time news

Red letters as a sign of protest. The Planning Familial de la Gironde was targeted, for the second time in two weeks, by a far-right group that vandalized its premises, the association that filed the complaint announced Thursday in a press release.

On the night of Tuesday to Wednesday, “an inscription in red letters, targeting abortion, claimed by Identity direct action and a Cross of Lorraine” were inscribed on the facade of our premises in Bordeaux, indicated Annie Carraretto, co-president of the Family planning in the department.

The previous message discovered on the storefront on February 8 “aimed for him, the actions carried out in favor of male contraception”.

“Do not give way to this ideology”

“While the registration differs, the message remains the same: our actions to defend sexual and reproductive rights are disturbing. But we will never let ourselves be impressed either by these methods or by these people”, wrote in a press release the Family Planning which filed a new complaint on Thursday “for the offense of obstructing abortion”.

“Demanding a reaction from the strong city so as not to give way to this ideology”, “more and more established and uninhibited on our territory”, the association also calls for a rally of support on March 1 in Bordeaux.

For his part, the environmental mayor of the city, Pierre Hurmic, judged this “inadmissible attack which demonstrates the decomplexion of these nauseating ideas” and “condemned this action with the greatest firmness”, on Twitter.

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