Giugliano. Money to unlock the license, a lawyer arrested

by time news

Money in exchange for favors. A bribe in exchange for the green light to extend the management of a multipurpose sports center. This is the scenario of an investigation that culminated in the complaint of an entrepreneur, who was allegedly induced to pay money to obtain the extension of the management of the Antares sports center, near the municipal stadium of Julianthe third city in Campania in terms of population density after Naples and Salerno. Investigation conducted by the prosecutor Dongiacomo, under the coordination of the prosecutor of Naples North Troncone, is working on a hypothesis of extortion.


Giugliano. Money to unlock the license, a lawyer arrested

The blitz

In this story he was joined by a arrest warrant the lawyer Francesco Smarrazzoa well-known and appreciated professional (he is defended by the criminal lawyer Feliciano Taglialatela), while the municipal councilor Paolo Liccardo (who is assisted by the lawyer) is under investigation at large Michael Giametta) and a manager of the municipality of Giugliano. A search by the Guardia di Finanza, under the orders of Lieutenant Colonel, was decisive Michael Doronzowho executed a search warrant a few days ago in the law office of Smarrazzo himself. A search warrant, in the sense that a lawyer from the council of the order of lawyers of Naples North was also summoned to attend the work of the financiers.

The backstory

A story that stems from the complaint of a local entrepreneur. A businessman who has been managing a multipurpose center for years, composed of soccer fields, tennis courts and structures for other disciplines. According to what has emerged, the crux of the story revolves around the extension of a concession: the entrepreneur met the city councilor and the manager in a bar, who asked him for money to unblock the procedure. A story in which the lawyer played the role of mediator. Hypothesis being examined by the Prosecutor’s Office of North Naples, there was an acceleration when it was decided to carry out a search.

Some money was found – about 15 thousand euros – which would correspond to the amount of the alleged bribe. This morning, Smarrazzo is expected – obviously together with his lawyer – before the investigating judge to respond to the accusations, during the hearing to validate the arrest. He will have the opportunity to demonstrate the correctness of his conduct, responding to the accusations and the scenario that emerged at the gates of Naples. An ugly story that concerns the management of a public asset, given in concession to the entrepreneur. Verification also on the role of the municipal manager, who allegedly met the entrepreneur – together with the municipal councilor – both in the City Hall and inside a bar.

Investigation into concessions, administrative procedures, agreements that should be out in the open, with formal ratification. A painful affair, which currently involves a professional citizen and people who live and work in the shadow of the Town Hall on Corso Campano.

In these hours, the Guardia di Finanza is still working on the banknotes that ended up under seizure, also to verify the truthfulness of the story put on record by the entrepreneur who was allegedly extorted.

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