Giulia, actress in Venice in a film about social issues: «Fantastic experience» – Chieti

by time news

GUARDUAGRELE. After all, grandma Linain Guardiagrele, had almost prefigured it in the wise foresight of the elderly with that: “We already knew it”. In the sense that everyone, by now, in the family was aware of his tendencies and his performances. But that phrase, thrown out in one of the meetings between grandmother and granddaughter, was a sort of “release clause” for the professional career of Julia Galassi37 years old. The actress from Guardia – graduated from the Classical School of Chieti, a degree in Arts and Science of Entertainment in Rome and a diploma from the “Gian Maria Volonté” School of Cinematographic Art – has just participated in the Biennale College as part of the 81st Venice International Film Festival with the film “Il mio compleanno” by Christian Filippi – Schicchera Production (Leonardo Baraldi) in association with Media Flow -. In the film, the protagonist Riccardino (Zachary Delmas) is about to turn eighteen in a family home. For four years he has been separated from his mother, a woman with strong personality disorders. Despite the caring and attentive guidance of his educator (Simona, played by Giulia Galassi) who wants a safe future for him in the family home, Riccardino runs away to join his mother and live with her. However, his illusion turns into a bitter reality and the newly adult will have to make a difficult choice.
“This film,” explains Giulia, “is born from the real experience of the director Filippi through writing workshops in the Family Homes of Rome where he came into close contact with these realities. It is a way to tell what happens in these structures where when you turn 18 they give you the list of dormitories, you are no longer entitled to anything but there is a procedure, the so-called article 25, for which through the judge and the social worker you can ask to stay in the Family Home that welcomed you for another two-three years and thus take training courses for job placement. It is a very emotional film.”
Giulia Galassi began her career with short films and theatrical performances. She then took part in workshops before appearing on the set of the film “Arance e martello” by Diego Bianchi. He also worked with authors such as Christian Comencini, Constance Quatriglio, Carlo Sironi e Simone Sword “with experiences that have shaped me a lot and that I speak about with pride.” Then the meeting with Christian Filippi “since I was organizing a festival in Rome at the Parco degli Acquedotti.” And before last Christmas the request received from Giulia’s agency for an audition for the film screened last September 1st in Venice. “It went well,” concludes Giulia, “and those who saw it were impressed and happy. The reviews were excellent, and the reviews were different. We’ll see what the public’s response will be, but only confident. On this occasion my sisters helped me a lot. Viola e Maria Cristina: without them, all this happiness would not exist and in this circus I would have been just a sad clown, badly dressed and worse made up. The luck that I have had in having them as sisters and assault team for every event I hold dear and I wish it for everyone”. (r.o.)

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