Give up a flat for social rent and the tenants have not paid for 19 months

by time news

2023-04-22 13:15:17

The owner of a house that she ceded to the Department for social rent and for which she continues to pay the mortgage awaits the eviction of her tenants, who have not paid for a year and a half. The apartment, located on Calle Hospitalers de Sant Joan (Balàfia), is owned by a couple who in 2009 decided to include it in the council’s social rental program to finish paying the amount they owed on the mortgage.

The current tenants entered the house in August 2021, and the owner assures that they only paid the rent for the first three months. “The father called me in November 2021 and told me that he had left his job, but he assured me that he would find another and fulfill the contract,” she explains. “I was understanding and gave a few months margin, but after half a year they were still not paying,” she adds. The owner assures that they have generated several neighborhood problems. “A neighbor calls me every week warning of strong discussions and she came to complain to the Urban Police,” she details. Having made the last payment in October 2021, the tenants have not paid the 400 euros of social rent set by the Department for 19 months. The consistory denounced them and began the eviction process in mid-2022.

The tenants, a family made up of two parents and their two minor children, had to be evicted yesterday, but about twenty members of the Platform for People Affected by the Mortgage (PAH) gathered in the morning at the door and prevented them from the Mossos d’Esquadra will evict them. Its new release date is May 3. The PAH indicates that they normally do not act in cases of private properties, but “this is a flagrant demonstration of the malfunction of the council, which does not allow those affected to be registered in the emergency table [para ser realojados] until they are assigned a release date. This is only convened once a month and evictions are notified only one week in advance, for which the mechanism is unsustainable”.

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