Giving value to the patient, the pilot project of the South East Tuscany Local Health Authority

by time news

Published: September 26, 2024

The company Value Based Healthcare project on heart failure was presented this morning in Rome, starting from Grosseto and also extended to Siena and Arezzo

Putting the patient at the center of the treatment process. This is the spirit of “Value Based Healthcare”, a model in which the needs of the people cared for are an actor of the healthcare system as much as technical, structural, organizational or management aspects linked to care. A model, that is, which aims to improve the patient care experience and at the same time reduce the cost of care while ensuring the sustainability of the healthcare system. In recent months, the South East Tuscany Local Health Authority has launched a pilot project based on Value Based Healthcare regarding heart failure, starting from the Grosseto area and also extended to the territories of Siena and Arezzo.

The project was presented this morning in Rome as part of an initiative promoted, among others, by the Italian Federation of Health and Hospital Companies (Fiaso), of which the general director of the ASL Tse, Antonio D’Urso, is vice president, which was also attended by Massimo Alessandri, Director of the Department of Internal Medicine and Medical Specialties of the South-East Tuscany Local Health Authority. Silvia Bellucci, ASL Tse contact person for Lean projects, was present.

“We are convinced supporters of a healthcare system that frees itself as much as possible from individual services and looks at care as a whole, putting people at the center – explains general director D’Urso – In our company we are changing this approach to embrace one oriented to the multidimensionality of the treatment path, which takes into account effective responses to people and financial sustainability, which is however an essential aspect”.

“We started with a pilot project in Grosseto and we also extended it to the territories of Siena and Grosseto – underlines Dr. Alessandri -. We are satisfied with the work carried out and we strongly believe in healthcare oriented towards patient centrality. Value Based Healthcare is an opportunity, but an overall reorganization of the system is needed which can generate some setbacks, which can easily be overcome if we all share the path together. As Tuscany South East we are already working to extend Value Based Healthcare to other chronic pathologies – in addition to heart failure – such as diabetes, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), arterial hypertension, cerebrovascular disease”.

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