Gladys, Abdiel and Roberto: a picture, a thousand words

by time news

2023-06-30 00:39:33

While journalists continue to cover the same acts as a group and many of the photos (and texts) look the same, probably the most eloquent image of the annual awards ceremony of the branch delegation of the television press is that, peculiar, in that Abdiel Bermúdez invades the shot to record on his mobile the beautiful speech that Gladys Rubio reeled off next door – improvised, as teachers usually do.

Abdiel recording Gladys.

Abdiel was not a reporter, but a reporter: he went to collect his well-deserved Eduardo Dimas Award, for the Work of the Year 2022, but he was seen as the most enthusiastic among those of us who applauded the Roberto Agudo Award, for the Work of Life, which Many Cuban viewers had already awarded Gladys in 50 years of good television, although the great reporter took it into her own hands this Thursday.

Between his and hers, the young Yorlando Perdomo Campanería received the Prize for the work of the year in graphic journalism.

The jury’s three arguments can be put together in one sentence: they are not only creative and industrious; they have also known how to forge a path with their signs in the demanding Cuban audience. Just as they have their profiles, the difference between their recognitions responds to the extension, in time, of the good career that these colleagues of three generations undertake. There is a deep footprint of the teacher and a long path to mark for Abdiel and Yorlando.

At the evening, Ricardo Ronquillo, president of UPEC; Waldo Ramírez, first vice president of the Cuban Institute of Radio and Television; and Belkis Pérez Cruz, an official of the Central Committee of the Party, listened, together with other directors and colleagues, to Gladys’ class-discourse (discourse class!), focused, like her deep reports, on others more than on she.

“A lack today is that young people do not have mentors. Look for mentors! I myself sometimes do it…” she said before quoting some young journalists who ask her for advice.

“Take advantage of the seniority. Veterans leave and are not put to teach when young people need to listen so much. There is always something that will help”, he affirmed with examples of experienced colleagues who can direct the path of those who are just starting out. “Don’t let them go!”

Prize in hand, Gladys seemed reluctant to talk about Gladys. When she looked like she was going to do it, it was just the entrance to another tribute: “Lucky I had a mentor! I wish we could all find one like this: professional, upright, given to teaching…” honored the honoree to Roberto Agudo, her paradigm and that of many others who, for greater joy, gives its name to this Annual Award for the Work of Life.

Honor kisses the grateful. As in those reports recorded with her “stamp” and lyrics that make science palpable, Gladys Rubio thanked the land and the people: “I have learned to grow as a professional and as a person, to know the world and my people, so heroic, the nature of Cuba, from where the Cauto is born to the highest mountain. I have been lucky enough to work with Fidel and Raúl, and that is my greatest reward”, she said to delimit that, despite everything, without a cameraman and editor, journalists “are nothing”.

In short, the reporter demonstrated that she can also inform and move journalistic “a capella”, with no other recourse than her voice, her truth and her emotion. Her speech was so pervasive that she, who tried in vain to fight with her cape to the applause of the rest, was defeated and was forced to join in, applaud (se)…

Shortly after, in another space, two members of the television technical team that made the report told Cuba journalists as in revelation of confreres: “That woman is a school!”.

Persistent like any colleague worthy of being respected, the reporter, the teacher, the woman-school continued to insist on thanking the Award, the jury and Roberto Agudo, that other teacher already deceased that, for some reason, one has to imagine in the image mentioned, at one end of the bridge of generations that prop up, among others, Gladys Rubio, Yorlando Perdomo and Abdiel Bermúdez.

Cover photo: The president of UPEC, with Abdiel Bermúdez, Yorlando Perdomo, relatives and colleagues.

#Gladys #Abdiel #Roberto #picture #thousand #words

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