Glaucoma, there is also cholesterol among the risk factors. Here because

by time news

The therapeutic approach is also neuroprotective. that’s how

Vascular factors, oxidative stress, mitochondrial metabolism and release of toxic substances for cells: these are some of the ’tiles’ that together with the increase in eye pressure make up the’puzzle‘of Glaucoma no longer considered an ocular disease only, but rather neurodegenerative like Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s and Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (Sla). Further confirmation of the close link between brain and eyes comes from a study conducted by American and Spanish researchers and published in the scientific journal Progress in Neurobiology.

And another study conducted at the Department of Ophthalmology the Doheny Eye Institute in Pasadena, California, and published in the scientific journal Eye Brainshowed that structural and functional changes, such as thinning of the inner retinal layer and reduction of choline levels in the visual cortex caused by glaucomatous degeneration, are already present in the brain before visual field defects appear.

The Glaucoma it affects about 1.2 million people in Italy and represents the second cause of visual impairment and blindness in our country. Furthermore, according to recent estimates, 50% of patients do not know they have it and 20% run the risk of losing their sight. On the occasion of the World Glaucoma Week, which this year is celebrated from 6 to 12 March, the attention of doctors and patients is all about understanding how to combat neurodegeneration that puts the brain and eyes at risk.

“While it was once considered a pathology only of ocular relevance in which the only responsible was the increase in eye pressure, today Glaucoma is included in the family of neurodegenerative diseases together with Parkinson, Alzheimer’s and amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. “, he declares Matteo Sacchihead of the Glaucoma Center of the San Giuseppe Hospital, University of Milan.

But what does Glaucoma have in common with these diseases? “The fact that it concerns the nervous tissue. In fact, in patients with Glaucoma it is not only the eye that is altered, but also the brain, that is the structure of the central nervous system. As with other neurodegenerative diseases, also in the Glaucoma cells degenerate through the mechanism of apoptosis and the release of toxic substances such as glutamate, amyloid and calcium ions. Furthermore, this ocular disease has progression and chronicity characteristics typical of other neurodegenerative diseases “.

(He follows…)

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