Global Circulation of HPAIV H5: Understanding Dynamics and Risks – KAPPA-FLU Consortium

by time news

2023-07-30 18:35:20
Bird Flu Research Consortium Formed to Combat Global Outbreak

Bird flu, also known as highly pathogenic avian influenza virus (HPAIV) subtype H5, is spreading at an alarming rate on a global scale, causing widespread concern among scientists, farmers, ornithologists, and authorities. To better understand the dynamics and implications of this outbreak, a research consortium called KAPPA-FLU has been formed, bringing together experts from 10 international research institutes.

Coordinated by the Friedrich-Loeffler-Institut (FLI), KAPPA-FLU aims to study the relationship between HPAI H5 viruses in wild birds, poultry, and the environment. The consortium will also investigate the impacts of climate change and zoonotic risks associated with the virus. With partners from three continents and different disciplines, KAPPA-FLU hopes to contribute to improved surveillance and prevention strategies.

One of the key goals of the consortium is to enhance risk- and knowledge-based surveillance. By doing so, researchers hope to identify new and cost-effective prevention and control options, including vaccination, for both poultry and wildlife. These measures will not only improve human health but also ensure animal welfare, wildlife conservation, and the sustainability of poultry production.

Martin Beer, head of the Institute for Virus Diagnostics at FLI and coordinator of the KAPPA-FLU consortium, emphasizes the importance of this research collaboration. He states, “At this time of dramatic H5N1 outbreaks, KAPPA-FLU enables us to pool a wealth of research expertise to address urgent research questions such as the factors that cause the spread of these viruses or address the risk of zoonotic transmission.”

With the formation of the KAPPA-FLU consortium, there is renewed hope for understanding and controlling the global bird flu outbreak. Through collaboration and interdisciplinary research, experts are working together to combat this unprecedented threat to public health, agriculture, and wildlife conservation.]
#dynamics #bird #flu

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