Globalization: How globalism negatively affects society and people’s happiness

by time news

2023-10-03 22:05:18

In the current context, the discussion on globalization and its impacts is increasingly relevant. The article by American Thinkerexplores how globalism can influence society and people in an extremely negative way, taking away their prospect of happiness:

Americans are pessimistic about the future. They view past decades more favorably than the present. The “land of opportunity” has disappeared. The “American dream” has disappeared. What remains is a faded memory of what America once was, and there are no signs that its preeminence can be restored.

This pessimism is not unique to those living in the United States. A growing body of research shows that national populations around the world are depressed about the future. Billions of smartphones, digital entertainment that multiplies exponentially, and social media platforms that connect millions of people per minute, but evidently do not create sufficient conditions for human optimism or happiness.

Diagnosing why eight billion people are unhappy is no easy task, but there is one clear culprit that has certainly contributed to the global malaise. Globalism, as the increasingly dominant governing philosophy – if not a pseudo-religion – of the planet, is intrinsically antagonistic to both individual self-determination and the natural bonds formed within families and tribes. When every human being is encouraged, if not forced, to act strictly for the “common good” of the global population, preferences that advance the unique interests of an individual, family, or nation must be undermined.

Powerful institutions such as the United Nations, the World Economic Forum, BlackRock, and even the Vatican all call for an essentially borderless world, in which the populations of any nation are encouraged to migrate freely to others. Decades of mass migration, especially in the West, have brought not only an explosion of ethnic enclaves, living relatively autonomously within host states, but also the fracturing of common civic ties that once loosely united native peoples of those nations. When citizens or political parties reacted against policies of uncontrolled immigration, globalist-minded authorities were quick to demonize their citizens as racists; xenophobic; or, more recently, purveyors of “hate.”

Even more devastating for the affected populations, assimilation is now scorned. Rather than encourage new residents to adopt the language, customs, and traditions of their adopted homeland, governments have chosen to prioritize the cultural identities of recent immigrants over the historical identities of the nation-states they now call home.

Nationalism is derisively equated with the worst atrocities of German Nazism or Italian fascism of the last century, while its Age of Enlightenment successes in organizing fellow peoples into self-sustaining regions peaceful enough to foster technological innovation, economic growth and relative political stability are completely ignored.

Nationalism is derisively equated with the worst atrocities of German Nazism or Italian fascism of the last century, while its Age of Enlightenment successes in organizing fellow peoples into self-sustaining regions peaceful enough to foster technological innovation, economic growth and relative political stability are completely ignored. Westerners are oppressed by the sister philosophies of globalism, “multiculturalism” and “diversity for diversity’s sake,” to the point that even proudly declaring oneself English, Dutch, German or, heaven forbid, Russian can quickly lead to one being defined as the “offender ” a “racist” who must be “re-educated” to reject hatred. It is no surprise, then, that the Olympic Games are losing popularity since Westerners are routinely conditioned to believe that love of one’s country must be eradicated from the human race.

Even more fundamental than membership in national tribes that promote meaning and identity, it is the family unit that provides humans with a natural support network to face the dangers of the outside world. Parents, siblings, and close relatives provide young family members with the skills and knowledge needed to navigate the wilderness of life. Kinship bonds strengthen instincts to protect and strengthen the group. Families maintain an organic division of labor and a shared sense of duty that instill an innate purpose in each member.

Globalism and the supremacy of the State, however, are diametrically opposed to the family. By elevating loyalty to the “common good” and the “expertise” of the state over the private decision-making of families, the state has weakened the most natural engine for creating and sustaining a human being’s identity and purpose. Government agents now come between parents and children in personal matters such as religious belief, sexual morality, and psychological well-being. If parents rejected some of the state’s radical ideologies – such as “transgenderism” – their natural rights as parents would be threatened. Just as during China’s Cultural Revolution, Western governments now dominate the private sphere of the family.

It is this form of government superiority – intolerant of kinship traditions and hostile to personal action – that has effectively generated totalitarian regimes of the last century. What distinguishes our current era is that globalist authorities seek the absolute obedience of citizens not only to their national governments, but also to the pantheon of globalist gods to which those governments claim to pray. People are ordered to obey in the name of COVID, “climate change,” “democracy,” “fighting hate,” or any other deity the state produces for public supplication. People who worship these false gods are rewarded with government-sanctioned atonement; those who refuse are punished as heretics. Regardless of how faithfully converts publicly dedicate themselves to globalist theology, they truly serve only the small class of oligarchs who use their quasi-divine authority to amass greater wealth and power for themselves.

Good parents sacrifice themselves for their children; they are not inclined to see their children being slaughtered and brainwashed. Warriors sacrifice themselves when their communities are attacked; they are not inclined to die from pretentious pronouns and carbon emissions. No matter how relentless the state’s propaganda continues to be, no centered person sees the government as a family or wants to fight a war for globalism. The more the state insists that people act against their nature, the more people realize that they must reject the state’s authority. The prospect of imminent conflict generates profound pessimism about the future.

In my experience, human suffering arises when people feel they have no control over their lives. Such suffering can often be stemmed when people seek some kind of relationship with God, take personal responsibility for their actions, use their work to create something of their own, and express their thoughts openly. This path to happiness requires the individual to do the bulk of the work, but it also empowers the mind to create and think freely. Human beings who confidently accept their free will within a world not of their making ultimately find peace. How are happy societies created? Encourage citizens to embrace God, private property and free speech.

Globalism does exactly the opposite. It requires total dependence on government. When the COVID pandemic hit, the state closed churches, bankrupted small businesses and silenced dissent. The “climate change” cult insists that you own nothing, produce nothing, and pray to Mother Earth. The State’s absurd “War on Disinformation and Hate” seeks to enslave the mind and criminalize thoughts. And the individual is expected to make all these sacrifices for the glory of the “multicultural,” “inclusive,” “equitable,” “green,” and energy-obsessed globalist state. It is no surprise that most human beings have no interest in praying in the United Nations church or obeying the dictates of the World Health Organization that mandates coercive vaccine mandates as if they were the Ten Commandments.

Globalism can only succeed in a terribly pessimistic world. It thrives on racism. It depends on an apocalyptic vision of a dying planet. It needs to divide people against each other, so that they are too busy to unite and resist those who cause them actual harm. Under the globalist government, happiness is stifled by misery, fear and hatred.

Even in humanity’s darkest hours, optimism has prevailed. After World War I, Americans fell in love with the automobile. After World War II, Americans bought houses and televisions. During the Vietnam War the Americans sent man to the Moon. Now the globalists are pushing public transportation and small apartments. Televisions are only instruments of state propaganda. And American astronauts have spent the last 50 years orbiting the Earth.

After two decades of war, this generation’s warriors return home to find the PATRIOT Act used against them, the government claiming ownership of their children , unaffordable petrol and the prospect of renting for life. Globalism is where optimism goes to die. Happiness will require its demolition.

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