Glorification of the Soviet regime and the aggressor state will not be tolerated in Riga /

by times news cr

2024-05-09 10:05:51

She explained that both the State Police and the Municipal Police will work in an intensified mode, monitoring what is happening in places that were previously associated with May 9 symbols. Among them, the Victory Park, which has been improved and opened to visitors after the Soviet symbol was demolished, will be monitored.

She expressed her hope that the day would pass without major tensions and provocations.

If cases are recorded when someone tries to glorify the totalitarian regime, Soviet times, use symbols on clothes, draw them on buildings, the law enforcement authorities will immediately react. Citizens should be aware that these violations are subject to liability, including criminal liability, the politician emphasized.

She added that the technological possibility of recording violations and prosecuting violators has also been sought.

Looking back at previous years, it is said that both the State and Municipal Police have assured that any violations related to the glorification of the aggressor state in the capital will be strictly monitored and recorded.

LETA has already reported that the State Police and the State Security Service (VDD) will intensify security monitoring throughout Latvia on May 9 and promises a “clear and decisive” response to provocations when the glorification of Russian aggression and war crimes is recorded.

On May 9, in Latvia, it is not allowed to hold public entertainment and festive events, meetings, marches and pickets, which are aimed at belittling and endangering the values ​​of Latvia as a democratic and national state, including dividing society, glorifying war, military aggression, totalitarianism or violence, as well as false representation of historical events. This refers to the so-called “Victory Day” and its symbolism, which is glorified and widely used in the propaganda of the Kremlin regime. The ban on holding events on May 9 is provided for by the law “On the ban on holding certain public events on May 9” adopted by the Saeima in 2023.

Placing flowers in the places where the dismantled Soviet monuments were located in Latvia will be considered as a glorification of these objects and military aggression, such actions will not be tolerated. Although individual laying of flowers at burial sites is not prohibited, the State Police draws attention to the fact that the increased presence of the police in these places will not necessarily mean that residents will be provided with a convenient and coordinated approach. The purpose and task of the police is to prevent threats to public order and any glorification of aggression.

At the same time, law enforcement officers remind that according to the public order and security plan, the flow of both traffic and people can be limited and regulated. Including, in accordance with the Law “On the Police”, if a threat to the protection of public safety, life, health and property of persons, possible provocations and aggravations is detected, the State Police can deny access to specific objects.

Likewise, the use of pyrotechnic products is prohibited around the clock on May 9 and until 7 a.m. on May 10.

The services remind that the use of symbols of totalitarian regimes (even stylized ones), as well as any symbols glorifying and justifying military aggression and war crimes, in public places is prohibited and punishable. Public use of the Russian flag or public playing of war-glorifying songs will also be considered as glorification of the aggressor and its regime, judging the person’s responsibility accordingly.

On the other hand, public justification and glorification of genocide, crimes against humanity, crimes against peace and war crimes, as well as actions aimed at inciting national or ethnic hatred or discord, are subject to criminal liability. The actions and response of the services to such violations will be immediate and strict, according to the statement issued by the police.

“Considering that May 9 has been a date that divides Latvian society for a long time, on this day there are increased risks of confrontation between groups of society representing different views. Therefore, the services call for a critical assessment of provocative statements in the information space, as well as to avoid reacting to them and reporting to the responsible services if such content is noticed. We call on the citizens not to engage in provocations or illegal actions against individuals or the environment – not to succumb to provocations and not to allow the division of our society,” the services said in a statement.

2024-05-09 10:05:51

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