Gluconolactone, the trendy skin care ingredient

by time news

2023-12-06 21:00:51

Gluconolactone is the cosmetic ingredient that has sparked the interest of people looking to keep their skin firm and luminous. Why should you try it if you have sensitive skin?

Last update: December 6, 2023

When it comes to improving the appearance of the skin, alpha hydroxy acids (AHA) and beta hydroxy acids (BHA) are usually the most sought after active ingredients in cosmetic products. However, there is a polyhydroxy acid (PHA) that is gaining ground as an ally for skin health and beauty: gluconolactone.

Like AHAs and BHAs, serves to improve skin tone and texture, since it hydrates, while dissolving dead cells that give a dull appearance. But unlike the first, it is distinguished by being a gentle chemical exfoliant, suitable even for sensitive skin. Do you want to know more about its properties?

What is gluconolactone?

Gluconolactone is a polyhydroxy acid (PHA) derived from glycolic acid, which is found naturally in human skin. But It is also obtained through the oxidation of corn glucose.

In cosmetics it is known as a gentle chemical exfoliant. It is usually well tolerated, even on sensitive skin.

Its molecular size is larger than that of other acids most used in cosmetics, such as AHAs and BHAs. This characteristic prevents it from penetrating deeply into the skin and explains why it is less irritating. Besides, has the ability to attract water to the dermisso it also works as a moisturizer.

Due to these properties, it stands out as a substance capable of removing dead cells from the outer layer of the skin, while leaving a soft and shiny appearance. In addition, It is considered an ally for the elimination of free radicals and for the prevention of premature signs of aging.

The chemical name of gluconolactone is gluconic acid delta-lactone. Its multiple hydroxyl groups are capable of attracting water and establishing hydrogen bonds, which helps reinforce the skin barrier, eliminate impurities and ensure moisturization.

Benefits of gluconolactone for the skin

Although gluconolactone is the “it” ingredient in skin care these days, In reality, many do not know its benefits. Although it is classified as an exfoliating acid, the effects go further. Let’s see in detail.

Acts as a gentle chemical exfoliant

The main cosmetic application of gluconolactone is as a gentle chemical exfoliant. It differs from other acids used for facial exfoliation (such as alpha hydroxy acids and beta hydroxy acids) because it penetrates the skin more slowly and gradually, and less deeply.

Thus, it removes layers of dead cells from the surface without causing adverse reactions, such as redness, peeling, burning or itching. The result? Softer, oil-free skin with a more uniform tone.

It is moisturizing

Being from the group of polyhydroxy acids (PHA), gluconolactone offers extra properties to hydrate the skin. ‘Poly’ means ‘many’, while hydroxyl groups are pairs of oxygen and hydrogen atoms. Those extra hydroxyls allow the ingredient to draw water into the skin.

Its application not only removes dead skin, but hydrates simultaneously and leaves a brighter appearance. It is another difference with its acidic counterparts, which tend to leave the skin dry.

Has anti-aging properties

Another of the great qualities of gluconolactone is that it helps rejuvenate the face. Its antioxidant properties reduce the negative effects of free radicals, molecules associated with premature aging.

In particular, studies in vitro determined that this substance can protect the skin against the damaging effects of ultraviolet (UV) radiation, one of the generators of free radicals. With that, It not only reduces the tendency to suffer burns, but also the risk of photoaging.

A more recent study, published in 2023 by the journal Pharmaceuticals, also supports these properties. According to the publication, a gluconolactone-based lotion helped prevent the degradation of collagen and elastin associated with ultraviolet exposure.

Added to its antiphotoaging effect, it was determined that It also has non-comedogenic properties. The scientists explained that the product is a “valid option to counteract the dilation of pores related to aging.”

How to use gluconolactone?

The way gluconolactone is used depends largely on its presentation and its purpose. While moisturizing products can be used up to twice a day, scrubs are applied only once or twice a week.

It is available in gel, serum, as an eye contour ingredient, in anti-aging creams and formulations for before and after laser and microdermabrasion treatments. The dosage usually varies between 1% and 10%.

In higher concentrations it can only be used under the discretion of the dermatologist.

Often, its main applications are the following:

Moisturizing lotion: Apply to face, neck and other desired areas. You have to massage until the product is well absorbed. You can place it after showering and before going to bed. It is ideal for brightening the skin and keeping it moisturized.
Exfoliant: is frequently used for peeling chemical on the face. It is usually applied once or twice a week. To do this, the product is rubbed using gentle circular massages; then leave it on for 10 to 20 minutes (recommendation may vary, so check the label).
Hair lotion: Hair products formulated with gluconolactone help in the treatment of scalp peeling. Follow the manufacturer’s recommendations for use.

Gluconolactone Side Effects

Gluconolactone is usually safe for most people, even if they have sensitive skin. Being less acidic, it does not usually cause the adverse effects that AHAs and BHAs do. Anyway, It must be used correctly, according to the product instructions.

On the other hand, as with any acid for topical use, Its application should be avoided on skin with rosacea, atopic dermatitis or active lesions. In these cases, it is advisable to consult a dermatologist before using cosmetics that contain this substance.

Although problems with irritation or redness due to gluconolactone are not usually reported, it is still an acid, so the risk is not zero.

Frequently asked questions about gluconolactone

Gluconolactone’s effects on the skin and its gentle nature have made this substance a favorite for exfoliation and anti-aging treatments. In case you still have questions, we have compiled some of the most frequently asked questions about this asset.

1. How is gluconolactone produced?

Gluconolactone is obtained after removing water from gluconic acid, through an enzymatic oxidation process. Usually from corn glucose.

It can also be obtained from an aqueous solution of gluconic acid by dehydration. This process involves azeotropic distillation with alcohols, followed by crystallization into the alcohol-containing residue.

2. What is gluconolactone used for?

In cosmetics, gluconolactone is a chemical exfoliant that improves skin texture and evens its tone. It has moisturizing and antioxidant properties that prevent signs of aging.

3. Can gluconolactone be used every day?

The frequency of use depends on the product that contains it, as well as other treatments you are using. Unlike other acids, can be used more regularlysince its penetration is slower and less irritating.

4. Can I combine the use of gluconolactone with other ingredients?

Gluconolactone is compatible with other commercial ingredients and natural skin care remedies, such as vitamin C, retinoids, and AHA and BHA acids. In fact, using them together can enhance the benefits.

What is the drawback? On reactive or overly sensitive skin, the simultaneous use of acids can be irritating.

It is advisable to consult a dermatologist to adjust the dose, as well as the form of application. Sometimes, it is necessary to wait a reasonable amount of time between one product and another to avoid adverse reactions.

5. How to choose a product with gluconolactone?

Most gluconolactone products are well tolerated; However, if your skin is very sensitive, start with those that are rinse-off. For example, facial cleansers or exfoliants. These remain on the skin for a short time and are less likely to cause irritation.

Once you get used to using exfoliating acids, or if your skin is more resistant, You can try other presentations, such as lotions, creams and serums, that are absorbed into the skin without the need to rinse.

6. What results can you expect?

Like other cosmetic treatments, gluconolactone results are not instantaneous. Although from its first applications as an exfoliant it helps to achieve a smoother and more moisturized complexion, it is necessary to use it continuously in the long term to obtain other benefits, such as the reduction of wrinkles.

Gluconolactone cares for your skin without irritating it

Interest in incorporating acids into the beauty routine has increased in recent years. Ingredients, such as alpha hydroxy acids (AHA), beta hydroxy acids (BHA) and now polyhydroxy acids (PHA), are attracting attention for their skin benefits.

These not only remove impurities and dead cells through a chemical exfoliation process, but contribute to rejuvenation and strengthen the skin barrier. Still, the reason why many are opting for gluconolactone is because it is less irritating and suitable for sensitive skin.

By having a larger molecular size, Its penetration is slower and shallower compared to other acids. This is why it does not usually cause redness, burning, peeling or itching. Without a doubt, a good option if your skin is very reactive or if you are just starting to use these acids.

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