Gluteal workout routine for the gym

by time news

2023-07-29 16:00:56

Not only do squats. If you combine the deadlift and bridge with some gym equipment, your glutes will thank you.

Last update: 29 julio, 2023

The gluteals are a group of muscles that lie between the posterior region of the pelvis and the upper region of the femur. The gluteus maximus, medius and minimus are essential to carry out daily actions, such as walking or bending over, and even stabilize and control the pelvis and back.

If you want to develop your glutes better, discover this routine that you can implement in the gym. In addition, your posture will benefit and you will be able to prevent lower back pain.

How to choose the correct exercises for my glute training?

To work the glutes correctly, you must create a routine in which the sequence of exercises meets three essential characteristics:

Activation. These exercises are intended to warm up the gluteal area. They reproduce everyday activities, such as pelvic anteversion and hip abduction, extension, and external rotation.
Stretching. Routines made up of stretching exercises help decrease muscle stiffness, reduce the risk of injury, and improve flexibility. When it comes to the glutes, vertical strength exercises (squats, deadlifts, lunges) achieve maximum muscle tension by stretching; while horizontal strength exercises (hip thrustsgluteal bridges, pull throughs), they get it by contracting.
Growth (pumpers). Pumping exercises are responsible for toning and increasing muscle mass. They are usually performed after the previous ones, since they pump blood to the muscles allowing more volume to be gained. The best pumping exercises for glutes are monster’s walkseated band abductions and rebound squats.

Exercise routine for glutes

Once the exercises for a gluteal routine have been determined, all that remains is to start the training. In this case, it is recommended to perform an activating exercise, three stretchers and a pumper.

Pulley kickback

You must make use of a cable machine for this exercise.

Start standing up, in a straight position, with the tape and the weight indicated by the trainer. Tie your right leg and for support you can hold on to the pulley. While keeping your left leg straight, gently bring your right foot up, to about 60 degrees, without bending your knees. Lower the leg just as slowly back to its starting position, after doing five sets of 10 repetitions. Switch to the left leg and repeat the steps.


Make sure you follow the steps to copy the exercise correctly.

Start standing up, with your back straight and your legs hip-width apart. Bend your knees until drawing a 90 degree angle with your calf and buttocks. Go up until you get the starting position. Perform five sets of 10 repetitions.

side lunge

Follow the steps below to perform the exercise.

Start standing up, with your abdomen contracted and your back straight. Move the left leg to the side. Make sure your thigh is parallel to the ground, and your foot and knee are in line. Bend the knee of the right leg a little to lower the body. Return to the starting position and repeat the exercise with the opposite leg. At the end, complete one repetition. Perform five sets of 10 repetitions.

romanian deadlift

For this exercise you must use dumbbells or a barbell.

Begin standing, legs hip-width apart and back straight. With the dumbbells in her hands and her fists facing back, she reaches her arms down and in front of her body. There should be a small gap with your thighs. As you push your hips back, lower the dumbbells and slightly bend your knees. Try to keep your back always straight. He returns to the starting position and performs six sets of eight repetitions.

disc bridge

To perform this exercise you will need a weight plate. Follow these steps:

Start lying on the floor on your back. The arms should be straight, without separating from the trunk of the body. Bend the knees, the soles of the feet, as well as the palms of the hands. They should always keep touching the ground. With a weight plate on your abdomen, lift your pelvis up to your upper legs. Draw a straight line with the trunk. After a few seconds, slowly lower yourself until your pelvis returns to the floor. Do five sets of 10 repetitions.

Recommendations for your gluteal exercise routine

In addition to choosing the exercises and executing them, there are a series of recommendations that will help you get the most out of your routine. To start, be sure to warm up and stretch once your muscles are active.

It is important that you take care of the technique, so you must avoid leaning the back and not neglect the range of movement. If you are looking for a higher difficulty, opt for exercises on an unstable plane, since the buttocks are stabilizing muscles.

On the other hand, runners are advised to tone this area. After all, strong glutes provide more momentum, increase running speed, and decrease your risk of common running injuries (like Achilles tendonitis or IT band syndrome).

Ask your personal trainer to tell you the amount of weight you should bear or carry. Do not forget to copy the exercises well. The secret is in a correct execution more than in the number of exercises you do.

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All cited sources were thoroughly reviewed by our team to ensure their quality, reliability, currency, and validity. The bibliography for this article was deemed reliable and of scholarly or scientific accuracy.

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