GMV assesses the impact of the earthquake in Turkey through space – Avion Revue Internacional

by time news

In the context of emergency management, GMV is carrying out an impact assessment of the earthquake that struck Turkey and Syria in the early hours of Monday 13 February 2023, considered the deadliest earthquake in the last 10 years.

GMV uses the highest resolution optical images to inform the European Civil Protection Emergency Response Coordination Center (ERCC) about the situation of the population and infrastructure in several affected cities (Gaziantep, İslahiye, Düzici and Bahçe).

GMV is evaluating the impact on the population and infrastructure of one of the biggest earthquakes in the last 10 years, gathering all the information from high-resolution satellite images. These images show the challenge facing rescue teams and highlight the widespread destruction in cities and towns across the region. Completely damaged residential areas, makeshift tents erected on soccer fields, and intense traffic jams on roads, many of them closed, are examples of what we can actually see.

All this action is carried out within the framework of the Copernicus programme, which maintains satellites and Earth observation services operational to support management and decision-making in different thematic areas, specifically in the field of emergency management. «GMV is part of the team that is on alert 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, to respond to crises like the one we are experiencing now and inform search and rescue teams, as well as those responsible for taking decisions and other interested parties, of the situation on the ground”, points out Antonio Araujo, head of security and emergencies at GMV’s Remote Sensing and Geospatial Services division.

From a more global point of view, the Copernicus program wants to achieve an autonomous Earth observation system through a network of satellites, a network of ground measurement stations and aerial means, as well as the generation of information services. The objective is to observe the planet from all possible points of view to better understand the changes that occur on Earth and how they influence our lives.

GMV is one of the main infrastructure providers for the Copernicus programme. It manages the integrity and monitoring of the database architecture, the analysis of the data required by the service chains, as well as the valorization of the most appropriate technologies to keep the entire program operational.

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