Go car-free in Bogot 2024: fines, measures, restrictions for cars and motorcycles today, Thursday, February 1

by time news

Between the emergency that is being experienced in Colombia and in the capital city due to the high temperatures that have caused many forest firesthe Mayor of Bogot announced the measures to the first Day without a car and without a motorcycle of the administration of Carlos Fernando Galón for Thursday, February 1 next. Remembering that the measure began to be implemented in 2000 in the mayor’s office of Enrique Pealosa.

And although Each edition there is a lot of criticism and dissatisfaction from the owners of private vehicles and motorcycles, due to the lack of options to move around the city. and because it affects daily work activities, in this year 2024 the environment will be helped to improve in the context of the conflagrations in the green areas of the capital.

In the official explanation of the Galón administration, this day is explained like this:

Car-Free and Motorcycle-Free Day is developed to contribute to reducing the carbon footprint produced by fossil fuels, reducing vehicular traffic and travel times.

Schedules for the Day without a car and without a motorcycle in 2024 in Bogotá

According to the announcement by the Mayor of Bogotá, the city will not have the circulation of cars and motorcycles (with some exceptions) for 16 consecutive hours from 5 in the morning to 9 at night. It is estimated that 1,850,000 cars and 430,000 motorcycles will stop circulating.

  • Start of the Day without a car or motorcycle in Bogot: 5:00 am
  • End of the Day without a car or motorcycle in Bogotá: 9:00 pm

How much is the fine for taking a car or motorcycle on February 1, 2024 in Bogotá?

There will be around 14 checkpoints on the streets of Bogotá, in addition to the presence of 1,140 traffic agents who will guarantee compliance with the measures established for the Car-Free and Motorcycle-Free Day of 2024 in Bogotá. And for those who do not comply and do not fall within any of the mentioned exceptions, these are the fines and punishments stated in the National Traffic Code in violation C.14:

  • Fine of 572,514 Colombian pesos.
  • Immobilization of the vehicle (car or motorcycle)

Exceptions and which vehicles can leave on the Day without a fee and without a motorcycle in Bogotá

Officially, a total of 18 exceptions have been reported for the vehicles that will be able to be on the streets of Bogotá this Thursday, February 1, 2024. All of these with justification and objectives of mobilizing citizens and allowing the life of the city not to be affected. be affected:

  • Public transport.
  • Vehicles driven by disabled people or for their transportation, in any case, the disabled person must be inside the vehicle.
  • School bus.
  • Vehicles with capacity for more than 10 passengers.
  • Vehicles intended for operations of home public service companies, including motorcycles.
  • Emergency vehicles.
  • Vehicles intended for traffic control, including motorcycles and cranes that provide service to the District Mobility Secretariat.
  • Presidential motorcade.
  • Military Vehicles, National Police Vehicles, State Security Organizations and Bogotá sectional CTI.
  • Diplomatic or consular service vehicles.
  • Surveillance and private security motorcycles.
  • Vehicles assigned by the National Protection Unit.
  • Electric or zero-emission vehicles, including motorcycles.
  • Funeral carriages.
  • Motorcycles linked to companies, technological platforms and/or commercial establishments, which provide courier and/or home services.
  • Vehicles intended for operational control and maintenance of the SITP.
  • Control of emissions and discharges, including motorcycles.
  • Vehicles transporting valuables.
  • How to get around on Thursday, February 1, 2024 for the Day without a car or motorcycle in Bogotá?

    Among the important information given by the administration of the capital city of Colombia for this day, we must highlight the methods of transportation that can be used, which are enabled or authorized by the authorities. And it is key to know that the entire public transportation fleet will be on the streets of Bogotá.

    This is how the Bogota Mayor’s Office announced the service that will be provided from 4:00 am and will go until 11:00 pm:

    • On TransMilenio trunk lines, 100% of the available fleet will operate during peak hours and will be reinforced during off-peak hours (between 9:00 am and 4:00 pm).
    • TransMiCable operate during its usual hours, from 4:30 a.m. to 10:00 p.m.
    • On zone buses, they are authorized to use all available stops, both for boarding and dropping off users. Operate from 4:00 am to 11:00 pm
    • There will be 37,210 taxis available throughout the day.

    But if you do not want to use public transportation and can do so by bicycle, rollerblades, skateboard or another method to navigate the streets of Bogotá, you have this information:

    • 630 km of regular cycle routes are available, in addition to 101 km of cycle paths that will operate between 6:00 am and 8:00 pm
    • If you do not have your own bicycle, the 3,300 bicycles that are part of the Bogotá Bicycle Sharing System will be available.
    • 69,130 ​​cycle parking spaces throughout the city and 6,499 spaces located at 26 points of the TransMilenio System.
    • Citizens have a 9,575 km pedestrian network, which facilitates connection and articulation with mobility systems and the city.

    In addition, there is a call to implement teleworking or virtual study days, this for institutions, entities, organizations and people who can put it into practice.

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