Go then! use baking soda

by time news

LUnfortunately, we must start this week’s rubric philosophically rather than practically. But don’t worry, it’s going to be patent soon. First of all, it is important to clarify a question of existence: is a household without baking soda even a household? In the past, the community within our walls would have unthinkingly affirmed this question. Now she knows better. Only the white dust from the bag made it what it is today. Namely a sociotope with profound knowledge of the miraculous power of sodium bicarbonate.

Everything started about a year ago. There had only been one muffin maker in the community, and she made muffins the way her ancestors had taught her: margarine, flour, milk, sugar, lemon flavoring—and baking powder. The muffins were tasty, but they didn’t have the typical muffin toppings, instead remaining flat on top. The next generation brought in recipes calling for baking soda. Said, bought – and since then there are finally muffins that also deserve the name.

Wooden salad spoon and board

But that was just the beginning. The next revolution happened in the cooking pot. Chickpeas are delicious, but the dried ones preferred for environmental and flavor reasons need to soak overnight and still cook for hours to soften. With a little baking soda, on the other hand, it goes much faster. Chemistry and biology are at work here: the baking soda breaks down the pectin in the shell of the legumes. But beware: do not put more than a quarter of a teaspoon in a liter of cooking water, otherwise the chickpeas will become soapy.

The internet adds a few pinches to that. Baking soda can be sprinkled on salad spoons and wooden boards overnight to banish food odors. This should also work in the sink. Mixed with hot water, it removes musty deposits from thermos flasks. A clear Eureka for the household.

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