Going on vacation: The personal battles that led the Knesset

by time news

Amir Ettinger11.03.22 11:30 H. Adar B. Tishpav

Going on vacation: The personal battles that led the Knesset

Photo: Jonathan Zindel, Flash 90

The photos taken in the Knesset plenum after the passage of the Citizenship Law; Tells the whole story of the winter conference that came to an end last night (Thursday). Just before the Knesset members went on vacation, they provided us with images that reflect the personal political battles that greatly affect the conduct of the Knesset in general, the struggle between the coalition and the opposition at last winter’s conference in particular.

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Ahmad Tibi v Mansour Abbas

The most significant battle, which has most often stuck with the coalition, is the fascinating struggle between Ahmad Tibi from the joint list and Mansour Abbas. The two are waging a bitter war over the voices of the Arab sector. Tibi, a veteran fighting fox in the Israeli parliament, mobilized all his experience and connections with Knesset members from the Likud and the ultra-Orthodox parties to attack and trample on every step in the Knesset. Tibi is well versed in the work of the government Of RAAM to Arab society, to identify the shortcomings and resonate them in the sector.

Abbas, who he and his party perceive as the weak link in the coalition, are examining every vote and every move according to the reaction of the joint list. Tibi made sure to update Arab society on any law with a Zionist element that Abbas supported, including Bnei Gantz security laws. The Supreme Court accuses Ahmad Tibi of being behind statements in Arabic also issued by MK Moshe Arbel of Shas against Mansour Abbas.

However, despite the erosion they are experiencing due to the struggle of the joint list, the USSR is refusing to leave the coalition. Mansour Abbas is personally invested in the current government and sees it as his historic project for Arab society. Abbas: “We came to serve Arab society. You take the people to the polls to arrange jobs for yourself in the Knesset.”

Photo: Knesset Channel

Shaked and Auerbach against Smutrich and Rotman

Another personal struggle affecting the coalition is taking place between Ayelet Shaked and Nir Orbach and Knesset members from Religious Zionism. Shaked, Orbach and Yom Tov Kalfon still see the right-wing and religious public from Judea and Samaria as their political base. Shaked Orbach and Kalfon are different from the rest of their party members, which increases the friction between them and the members of religious Zionism. Due to the friction with Smutrich and the battle for the base, Shaked is making life difficult for her members of the government and the coalition. After being severely criticized for trying to pass the Citizenship Law with Meretz and Ra’am, Shaked passed the law in collaboration with Simcha Rotman. Anchoring the right to equality in the Basic Law of Human Dignity, compromises in the Electricity Law with RAAM and more and more. The collaboration between Shaked and Rotman is perhaps another crack in the coalition that will grow over time.

Photo: Knesset Channel

The struggle of the opposition and the strong forum in the coalition

The opposition won the coalition by 30 votes during the winter conference. This is a large number of victories relative to the opposition. Those who steer the ship in the Likud are Yariv Levin and Yoav Kish. Both are fighting against the coalition for every law and order in the committees and in the plenum. The one who is not so much fighting the trenches is actually Netanyahu. The coalition estimates that contacts have already resumed for a plea deal with the spokesman for the new government. The strategy of the option is simple: identify the slits in the coalition, some of which have been mentioned here before, and try to increase them. The most effective way found so far is to challenge the right, challenge the RAAM with the help of the common, and challenge the Knight Kara in front of the independents.

On the other hand, the coalition is not thrilled by the opposition’s success in the vote. Coalition management does not see a failure in the fact that sometimes the opposition manages to pass laws. “They pass laws in a preliminary reading and then we stick it in committees,” say coalition management but stress: “When the opposition manages to stick us government laws as it read in the draft law, then it is our failure. “But every time it happened, it was because of our mistakes and not because of the opposition’s brilliant moves.”

Apart from Toporovsky and Silman, the chairmen of the factions in the Knesset are the strongest forum in the coalition. Nir Orbach and Eitan Ginzburg are called “the architects of the agreements”, joined by the chairman of the Labor faction, Ram Shefa, and the chairman of the Meretz faction, Michal Rosin. The last four have managed to reach creative solutions within the coalition and also reach agreements on legislation with the opposition. In the political system Arrays: The coalition will also survive this coming summer conference, then the chances of disintegration are high.

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