“Goji berry (Goji berry)” better than I thought, but eat too much, be careful of side effects : PPTVHD36

by time news

We often hear and see the use of extracts from “goji berry” as an ingredient in both health drinks. including many dietary supplements Actually, that is a fruit that is popular for cooking or is often in soup, stewed Chinese medicine or “goji” that is seen as a small plant like this. What can affect our bodies? Health lovers must follow.

seasoned Also known as Goji berry, wolfberry or Lycium fruit, is a fruit in the berry family, red-orange fruit, small size, sweet and sour taste.

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Gooseberry is known as the ultimate fruit due to its high nutritional value. Contains up to 20 percent of dietary fiber, 19 types of amino acids, fat, minerals that the body needs such as zinc, iron, copper, calcium, phosphorus, selenium and vitamins such as vitamins B1, B2 and vitamin C, as well as found important pharmacological active substances such as high levels of polysaccharides, carotenoids and phenolic compounds

All three groups of substances are important to the body as follows:

1. Polysaccharide group substances (polysaccharide)

Helps to keep food in the digestive tract longer slow down digestion reduces the absorption of nutrients including sugar and fat Helpful in regulating blood sugar and lipid levels. It can help prevent atherosclerosis and cardiovascular disease.

2. Carotenoid substances (carotenoids)

It is the pigment that gives the goulash an orange-red color. The main substances found higher than other fruits are zeaxanthin, lutein and beta-carotene (-carotene), or precursor of vitamin A, which is a component of the retina and the body. cannot be created by yourself

It filters blue light and reduces reflections of light. Helps prevent radiation from sunlight that is harmful to the eyes. Has properties to prevent many diseases such as cataracts, macular degeneration macular degeneration from diabetes cardiovascular disease Including acting as an anti-oxidation agent in the eyes as well.

3. phenolic substances (phenolic)

Such as caffeic acid , chlorogenic acid , caffeoylquinic acid and -coumaric acid and flavonoids such as myricetin , quercetin and kaempferol enhance the function of antioxidants or other anti-oxidants. already in the body to work better

Gooseberry therefore has pharmacological and clinical studies. by helping to nourish the eyes Lowers blood sugar levels, lowers blood lipid levels. Prevents stomach ulcers Anti-aging activity Protects nerve cells increase immunity In addition, the study also found that Gooseberry is a great way to reduce fatigue and stress.

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Minor side effects from overdose of gooseberry

  • stomach ache
  • vomit
  • headache in some users
  • hepatitis
  • Skin sensitivity to light in some people who also eat gooseberry.

Toxic effects from gooseberry contain Tropane alkaloids such as Atropine and Scopolamine, which can result in blurred vision, constipation, dry mouth, dilated pupils, drowsiness, dizziness and a feeling of restlessness.


This is because the whiskey contained in each product has a different size and form of use. which affects the effectiveness of treatment Eating gooseberry should consult a doctor first.

especially those with diabetes low or high blood pressure or taking certain medications on a regular basis, such as warfarin, or drugs that affect blood pressure and blood clotting. especially pregnant women and lactating women should avoid for safety from obtaining the right amount of active ingredients and the full benefits of eating

However, choosing to consume a variety of foods along with regular exercise. It will help promote health without supplementing with any additional supplements or herbs.

Thank you health information from Food and Drug Administration (FDA)

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