Golden Business with Real Estate and Tourism. The Master’s Degree That Teaches How to Make Them Profitable

by time news

The gold rush on the Lario is called tourism and never like this year have its effects been felt so much as to push some to even speak of an excess of demand. It is the so-called “overtourism” that manifests itself in the general increase in prices, the proliferation of B&Bs, holiday homes and apartments made available for short-term rentals with the idea that ultimately it doesn’t take much to get into the business. Nothing could be more wrong, which is why Ance Como, the builders’ association, with the Department of Architecture, Construction Engineering and Environment of the Polytechnic of Milan has decided to launch the first university master’s degree in ‘Real Estate Management, Development and Valorization’, scheduled from November to October 2025.

“The idea of ​​organizing a course of this kind in Como was born from the needs of the operators – explains Francesco Molteni, president of Ance Como – Some companies, adapting to the changing market, are diversifying their business by also dealing with the management of the properties they build or renovate. Furthermore, the entire area of ​​services related to real estate is growing significantly, but it is not easy to find professional figures trained specifically. This is a sector where you cannot improvise”. The development of real estate on the Lario is closely linked to tourism. “Our territory is fortunate to have significant tourist flows and, therefore, the entire rental sector, not only short-term, is constantly looking for specialized and, above all, prepared personnel who can respond in the best possible way to the changing demand. Only in this way can we think of governing a phenomenon that otherwise is suffered. In step with the market, the legislation that dictates increasingly stringent requirements relating to the entire life cycle of buildings goes”. The course, lasting 12 months and divided into 12 modules with frontal teaching activities at the Ance Como headquarters, registrations expire on Thursday 10 October. For information, please contact Ance Como or the Politecnico. Ro.Can.

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