Golden Gate Bridge Suicide Safety Net Nearing Completion: A Symbol of Hope and Care

by time news

The Golden Gate Bridge, an iconic landmark in San Francisco, has long been a site of tragedy due to the high number of people who have jumped off in attempts to take their own lives. But with the construction of a suicide deterrent net almost complete, it aims to change that.

The project was initiated in response to numerous suicide attempts on the bridge, including an instance where Kevin Hines jumped from the railing in 2000. Hines miraculously survived the fall and has since dedicated his life to sharing his story in the hopes of preventing others from making the same choice.

The net, which cost $217 million to build, is set to be completed in December 2023. It is designed to serve as a symbol of hope and care for people who may be experiencing the worst day of their lives. While its primary purpose is to prevent suicides, it is also intended to offer people a second chance at life by acting as a visible sign that there are people in the community who care about them.

For Hines and many others who have experienced the harrowing regret of their actions, the net is a welcome addition to the bridge. “I’m so grateful that not one more beautiful person with loved ones, and family and friends who care for them is ever again, gonna die by their hands off of the Golden Gate Bridge,” Hines said.

Despite some opposition to the net’s construction due to concerns about obstructing views and ruining the aesthetics of the bridge, the net has received widespread support from those who have been personally impacted by the loss of loved ones due to suicide. With the construction of the net nearing completion, there is hope that it will be an effective deterrent in preventing further tragedies at the Golden Gate Bridge.

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